framework / system / CLI / CLI.php
@MGatner MGatner on 7 Sep 2021 28 KB Release v4.1.4

 * This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\CLI;

use CodeIgniter\CLI\Exceptions\CLIException;
use Config\Services;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Throwable;

 * Set of static methods useful for CLI request handling.
 * Portions of this code were initially from the FuelPHP Framework,
 * version 1.7.x, and used here under the MIT license they were
 * originally made available under. Reference:
 * Some of the code in this class is Windows-specific, and not
 * possible to test using travis-ci. It has been phpunit-annotated
 * to prevent messing up code coverage.
 * Some of the methods require keyboard input, and are not unit-testable
 * as a result: input() and prompt().
 * validate() is internal, and not testable if prompt() isn't.
 * The wait() method is mostly testable, as long as you don't give it
 * an argument of "0".
 * These have been flagged to ignore for code coverage purposes.
class CLI
     * Is the readline library on the system?
     * @var bool
    public static $readline_support = false;

     * The message displayed at prompts.
     * @var string
    public static $wait_msg = 'Press any key to continue...';

     * Has the class already been initialized?
     * @var bool
    protected static $initialized = false;

     * Foreground color list
     * @var array<string, string>
    protected static $foreground_colors = [
        'black'        => '0;30',
        'dark_gray'    => '1;30',
        'blue'         => '0;34',
        'dark_blue'    => '0;34',
        'light_blue'   => '1;34',
        'green'        => '0;32',
        'light_green'  => '1;32',
        'cyan'         => '0;36',
        'light_cyan'   => '1;36',
        'red'          => '0;31',
        'light_red'    => '1;31',
        'purple'       => '0;35',
        'light_purple' => '1;35',
        'yellow'       => '0;33',
        'light_yellow' => '1;33',
        'light_gray'   => '0;37',
        'white'        => '1;37',

     * Background color list
     * @var array<string, string>
    protected static $background_colors = [
        'black'      => '40',
        'red'        => '41',
        'green'      => '42',
        'yellow'     => '43',
        'blue'       => '44',
        'magenta'    => '45',
        'cyan'       => '46',
        'light_gray' => '47',

     * List of array segments.
     * @var array
    protected static $segments = [];

     * @var array
    protected static $options = [];

     * Helps track internally whether the last
     * output was a "write" or a "print" to
     * keep the output clean and as expected.
     * @var string|null
    protected static $lastWrite;

     * Height of the CLI window
     * @var int|null
    protected static $height;

     * Width of the CLI window
     * @var int|null
    protected static $width;

     * Whether the current stream supports colored output.
     * @var bool
    protected static $isColored = false;

     * Static "constructor".
    public static function init()
        if (is_cli()) {
            // Readline is an extension for PHP that makes interactivity with PHP
            // much more bash-like.
            static::$readline_support = extension_loaded('readline');

            // clear segments & options to keep testing clean
            static::$segments = [];
            static::$options  = [];

            // Check our stream resource for color support
            static::$isColored = static::hasColorSupport(STDOUT);


            static::$initialized = true;
        } else {
            // If the command is being called from a controller
            // we need to define STDOUT ourselves
            define('STDOUT', 'php://output'); // @codeCoverageIgnore

     * Get input from the shell, using readline or the standard STDIN
     * Named options must be in the following formats:
     * php index.php user -v --v -name=John --name=John
     * @param string $prefix
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public static function input(?string $prefix = null): string
        if (static::$readline_support) {
            return readline($prefix);

        echo $prefix;

        return fgets(STDIN);

     * Asks the user for input.
     * Usage:
     * // Takes any input
     * $color = CLI::prompt('What is your favorite color?');
     * // Takes any input, but offers default
     * $color = CLI::prompt('What is your favourite color?', 'white');
     * // Will validate options with the in_list rule and accept only if one of the list
     * $color = CLI::prompt('What is your favourite color?', array('red','blue'));
     * // Do not provide options but requires a valid email
     * $email = CLI::prompt('What is your email?', null, 'required|valid_email');
     * @param string       $field      Output "field" question
     * @param array|string $options    String to a default value, array to a list of options (the first option will be the default value)
     * @param array|string $validation Validation rules
     * @return string The user input
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public static function prompt(string $field, $options = null, $validation = null): string
        $extraOutput = '';
        $default     = '';

        if ($validation && ! is_array($validation) && ! is_string($validation)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('$rules can only be of type string|array');

        if (! is_array($validation)) {
            $validation = $validation ? explode('|', $validation) : [];

        if (is_string($options)) {
            $extraOutput = ' [' . static::color($options, 'white') . ']';
            $default     = $options;

        if (is_array($options) && $options) {
            $opts               = $options;
            $extraOutputDefault = static::color($opts[0], 'white');


            if (empty($opts)) {
                $extraOutput = $extraOutputDefault;
            } else {
                $extraOutput  = ' [' . $extraOutputDefault . ', ' . implode(', ', $opts) . ']';
                $validation[] = 'in_list[' . implode(',', $options) . ']';

            $default = $options[0];

        static::fwrite(STDOUT, $field . $extraOutput . ': ');

        // Read the input from keyboard.
        $input = trim(static::input()) ?: $default;

        if ($validation) {
            while (! static::validate($field, $input, $validation)) {
                $input = static::prompt($field, $options, $validation);

        return empty($input) ? '' : $input;

     * Validate one prompt "field" at a time
     * @param string       $field Prompt "field" output
     * @param string       $value Input value
     * @param array|string $rules Validation rules
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    protected static function validate(string $field, string $value, $rules): bool
        $label      = $field;
        $field      = 'temp';
        $validation = Services::validation(null, false);
            $field => [
                'label' => $label,
                'rules' => $rules,
        $validation->run([$field => $value]);

        if ($validation->hasError($field)) {

            return false;

        return true;

     * Outputs a string to the CLI without any surrounding newlines.
     * Useful for showing repeating elements on a single line.
    public static function print(string $text = '', ?string $foreground = null, ?string $background = null)
        if ($foreground || $background) {
            $text = static::color($text, $foreground, $background);

        static::$lastWrite = null;

        static::fwrite(STDOUT, $text);

     * Outputs a string to the cli on it's own line.
    public static function write(string $text = '', ?string $foreground = null, ?string $background = null)
        if ($foreground || $background) {
            $text = static::color($text, $foreground, $background);

        if (static::$lastWrite !== 'write') {
            $text              = PHP_EOL . $text;
            static::$lastWrite = 'write';

        static::fwrite(STDOUT, $text . PHP_EOL);

     * Outputs an error to the CLI using STDERR instead of STDOUT
    public static function error(string $text, string $foreground = 'light_red', ?string $background = null)
        // Check color support for STDERR
        $stdout            = static::$isColored;
        static::$isColored = static::hasColorSupport(STDERR);

        if ($foreground || $background) {
            $text = static::color($text, $foreground, $background);

        static::fwrite(STDERR, $text . PHP_EOL);

        // return STDOUT color support
        static::$isColored = $stdout;

     * Beeps a certain number of times.
     * @param int $num The number of times to beep
    public static function beep(int $num = 1)
        echo str_repeat("\x07", $num);

     * Waits a certain number of seconds, optionally showing a wait message and
     * waiting for a key press.
     * @param int  $seconds   Number of seconds
     * @param bool $countdown Show a countdown or not
    public static function wait(int $seconds, bool $countdown = false)
        if ($countdown === true) {
            $time = $seconds;

            while ($time > 0) {
                static::fwrite(STDOUT, $time . '... ');

        } elseif ($seconds > 0) {
        } else {
            // this chunk cannot be tested because of keyboard input
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

     * if operating system === windows
    public static function isWindows(): bool
        return PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows';

     * Enter a number of empty lines
    public static function newLine(int $num = 1)
        // Do it once or more, write with empty string gives us a new line
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {

     * Clears the screen of output
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public static function clearScreen()
        // Unix systems, and Windows with VT100 Terminal support (i.e. Win10)
        // can handle CSI sequences. For lower than Win10 we just shove in 40 new lines.
        static::isWindows() && ! static::streamSupports('sapi_windows_vt100_support', STDOUT)
            ? static::newLine(40)
            : static::fwrite(STDOUT, "\033[H\033[2J");

     * Returns the given text with the correct color codes for a foreground and
     * optionally a background color.
     * @param string $text       The text to color
     * @param string $foreground The foreground color
     * @param string $background The background color
     * @param string $format     Other formatting to apply. Currently only 'underline' is understood
     * @return string The color coded string
    public static function color(string $text, string $foreground, ?string $background = null, ?string $format = null): string
        if (! static::$isColored) {
            return $text;

        if (! array_key_exists($foreground, static::$foreground_colors)) {
            throw CLIException::forInvalidColor('foreground', $foreground);

        if ($background !== null && ! array_key_exists($background, static::$background_colors)) {
            throw CLIException::forInvalidColor('background', $background);

        $string = "\033[" . static::$foreground_colors[$foreground] . 'm';

        if ($background !== null) {
            $string .= "\033[" . static::$background_colors[$background] . 'm';

        if ($format === 'underline') {
            $string .= "\033[4m";

        // Detect if color method was already in use with this text
        if (strpos($text, "\033[0m") !== false) {
            // Split the text into parts so that we can see
            // if any part missing the color definition
            $chunks = mb_split('\\033\\[0m', $text);
            // Reset text
            $text = '';

            foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
                if ($chunk === '') {

                // If chunk doesn't have colors defined we need to add them
                if (strpos($chunk, "\033[") === false) {
                    $chunk = static::color($chunk, $foreground, $background, $format);
                    // Add color reset before chunk and clear end of the string
                    $text .= rtrim("\033[0m" . $chunk, "\033[0m");
                } else {
                    $text .= $chunk;

        return $string . $text . "\033[0m";

     * Get the number of characters in string having encoded characters
     * and ignores styles set by the color() function
    public static function strlen(?string $string): int
        if ($string === null) {
            return 0;

        foreach (static::$foreground_colors as $color) {
            $string = strtr($string, ["\033[" . $color . 'm' => '']);

        foreach (static::$background_colors as $color) {
            $string = strtr($string, ["\033[" . $color . 'm' => '']);

        $string = strtr($string, ["\033[4m" => '', "\033[0m" => '']);

        return mb_strwidth($string);

     * Checks whether the current stream resource supports or
     * refers to a valid terminal type device.
     * @param resource $resource
    public static function streamSupports(string $function, $resource): bool
        if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing') {
            // In the current setup of the tests we cannot fully check
            // if the stream supports the function since we are using
            // filtered streams.
            return function_exists($function);

        return function_exists($function) && @$function($resource); // @codeCoverageIgnore

     * Returns true if the stream resource supports colors.
     * This is tricky on Windows, because Cygwin, Msys2 etc. emulate pseudo
     * terminals via named pipes, so we can only check the environment.
     * Reference:
     * @param resource $resource
    public static function hasColorSupport($resource): bool
        // Follow
        if (isset($_SERVER['NO_COLOR']) || getenv('NO_COLOR') !== false) {
            return false;

        if (getenv('TERM_PROGRAM') === 'Hyper') {
            return true;

        if (static::isWindows()) {
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
            return static::streamSupports('sapi_windows_vt100_support', $resource)
                || isset($_SERVER['ANSICON'])
                || getenv('ANSICON') !== false
                || getenv('ConEmuANSI') === 'ON'
                || getenv('TERM') === 'xterm';
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

        return static::streamSupports('stream_isatty', $resource);

     * Attempts to determine the width of the viewable CLI window.
    public static function getWidth(int $default = 80): int
        if (static::$width === null) {

        return static::$width ?: $default;

     * Attempts to determine the height of the viewable CLI window.
    public static function getHeight(int $default = 32): int
        if (static::$height === null) {

        return static::$height ?: $default;

     * Populates the CLI's dimensions.
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public static function generateDimensions()
        try {
            if (static::isWindows()) {
                // Shells such as `Cygwin` and `Git bash` returns incorrect values
                // when executing `mode CON`, so we use `tput` instead
                if (getenv('TERM') || (($shell = getenv('SHELL')) && preg_match('/(?:bash|zsh)(?:\.exe)?$/', $shell))) {
                    static::$height = (int) exec('tput lines');
                    static::$width  = (int) exec('tput cols');
                } else {
                    $return = -1;
                    $output = [];
                    exec('mode CON', $output, $return);

                    // Look for the next lines ending in ": <number>"
                    // Searching for "Columns:" or "Lines:" will fail on non-English locales
                    if ($return === 0 && $output && preg_match('/:\s*(\d+)\n[^:]+:\s*(\d+)\n/', implode("\n", $output), $matches)) {
                        static::$height = (int) $matches[1];
                        static::$width  = (int) $matches[2];
            } elseif (($size = exec('stty size')) && preg_match('/(\d+)\s+(\d+)/', $size, $matches)) {
                static::$height = (int) $matches[1];
                static::$width  = (int) $matches[2];
            } else {
                static::$height = (int) exec('tput lines');
                static::$width  = (int) exec('tput cols');
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            // Reset the dimensions so that the default values will be returned later.
            // Then let the developer know of the error.
            static::$height = null;
            static::$width  = null;
            log_message('error', $e->getMessage());

     * Displays a progress bar on the CLI. You must call it repeatedly
     * to update it. Set $thisStep = false to erase the progress bar.
     * @param bool|int $thisStep
    public static function showProgress($thisStep = 1, int $totalSteps = 10)
        static $inProgress = false;

        // restore cursor position when progress is continuing.
        if ($inProgress !== false && $inProgress <= $thisStep) {
            static::fwrite(STDOUT, "\033[1A");
        $inProgress = $thisStep;

        if ($thisStep !== false) {
            // Don't allow div by zero or negative numbers....
            $thisStep   = abs($thisStep);
            $totalSteps = $totalSteps < 1 ? 1 : $totalSteps;

            $percent = (int) (($thisStep / $totalSteps) * 100);
            $step    = (int) round($percent / 10);

            // Write the progress bar
            static::fwrite(STDOUT, "[\033[32m" . str_repeat('#', $step) . str_repeat('.', 10 - $step) . "\033[0m]");
            // Textual representation...
            static::fwrite(STDOUT, sprintf(' %3d%% Complete', $percent) . PHP_EOL);
        } else {
            static::fwrite(STDOUT, "\007");

     * Takes a string and writes it to the command line, wrapping to a maximum
     * width. If no maximum width is specified, will wrap to the window's max
     * width.
     * If an int is passed into $pad_left, then all strings after the first
     * will padded with that many spaces to the left. Useful when printing
     * short descriptions that need to start on an existing line.
    public static function wrap(?string $string = null, int $max = 0, int $padLeft = 0): string
        if (empty($string)) {
            return '';

        if ($max === 0) {
            $max = self::getWidth();

        if (self::getWidth() < $max) {
            $max = self::getWidth();

        $max = $max - $padLeft;

        $lines = wordwrap($string, $max, PHP_EOL);

        if ($padLeft > 0) {
            $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $lines);

            $first = true;

            array_walk($lines, static function (&$line) use ($padLeft, &$first) {
                if (! $first) {
                    $line = str_repeat(' ', $padLeft) . $line;
                } else {
                    $first = false;

            $lines = implode(PHP_EOL, $lines);

        return $lines;

    // Command-Line 'URI' support

     * Parses the command line it was called from and collects all
     * options and valid segments.
    protected static function parseCommandLine()
        $args = $_SERVER['argv'] ?? [];
        array_shift($args); // scrap invoking program
        $optionValue = false;

        foreach ($args as $i => $arg) {
            // If there's no "-" at the beginning, then
            // this is probably an argument or an option value
            if (mb_strpos($arg, '-') !== 0) {
                if ($optionValue) {
                    // We have already included this in the previous
                    // iteration, so reset this flag
                    $optionValue = false;
                } else {
                    // Yup, it's a segment
                    static::$segments[] = $arg;


            $arg   = ltrim($arg, '-');
            $value = null;

            if (isset($args[$i + 1]) && mb_strpos($args[$i + 1], '-') !== 0) {
                $value       = $args[$i + 1];
                $optionValue = true;

            static::$options[$arg] = $value;

     * Returns the command line string portions of the arguments, minus
     * any options, as a string. This is used to pass along to the main
     * CodeIgniter application.
    public static function getURI(): string
        return implode('/', static::$segments);

     * Returns an individual segment.
     * This ignores any options that might have been dispersed between
     * valid segments in the command:
     *  // segment(3) is 'three', not '-f' or 'anOption'
     *  > php spark one two -f anOption three
     * **IMPORTANT:** The index here is one-based instead of zero-based.
     * @return mixed
    public static function getSegment(int $index)
        return static::$segments[$index - 1] ?? null;

     * Returns the raw array of segments found.
    public static function getSegments(): array
        return static::$segments;

     * Gets a single command-line option. Returns TRUE if the option
     * exists, but doesn't have a value, and is simply acting as a flag.
     * @return mixed
    public static function getOption(string $name)
        if (! array_key_exists($name, static::$options)) {
            return null;

        // If the option didn't have a value, simply return TRUE
        // so they know it was set, otherwise return the actual value.
        $val = static::$options[$name] ?? true;

        return $val;

     * Returns the raw array of options found.
    public static function getOptions(): array
        return static::$options;

     * Returns the options as a string, suitable for passing along on
     * the CLI to other commands.
     * @param bool $useLongOpts Use '--' for long options?
     * @param bool $trim        Trim final string output?
    public static function getOptionString(bool $useLongOpts = false, bool $trim = false): string
        if (empty(static::$options)) {
            return '';

        $out = '';

        foreach (static::$options as $name => $value) {
            if ($useLongOpts && mb_strlen($name) > 1) {
                $out .= "--{$name} ";
            } else {
                $out .= "-{$name} ";

            // If there's a space, we need to group
            // so it will pass correctly.
            if (mb_strpos($value, ' ') !== false) {
                $out .= '"' . $value . '" ';
            } elseif ($value !== null) {
                $out .= "{$value} ";

        return $trim ? trim($out) : $out;

     * Returns a well formatted table
     * @param array $tbody List of rows
     * @param array $thead List of columns
    public static function table(array $tbody, array $thead = [])
        // All the rows in the table will be here until the end
        $tableRows = [];

        // We need only indexes and not keys
        if (! empty($thead)) {
            $tableRows[] = array_values($thead);

        foreach ($tbody as $tr) {
            $tableRows[] = array_values($tr);

        // Yes, it really is necessary to know this count
        $totalRows = count($tableRows);

        // Store all columns lengths
        // $all_cols_lengths[row][column] = length
        $allColsLengths = [];

        // Store maximum lengths by column
        // $max_cols_lengths[column] = length
        $maxColsLengths = [];

        // Read row by row and define the longest columns
        for ($row = 0; $row < $totalRows; $row++) {
            $column = 0; // Current column index

            foreach ($tableRows[$row] as $col) {
                // Sets the size of this column in the current row
                $allColsLengths[$row][$column] = static::strlen($col);

                // If the current column does not have a value among the larger ones
                // or the value of this is greater than the existing one
                // then, now, this assumes the maximum length
                if (! isset($maxColsLengths[$column]) || $allColsLengths[$row][$column] > $maxColsLengths[$column]) {
                    $maxColsLengths[$column] = $allColsLengths[$row][$column];

                // We can go check the size of the next column...

        // Read row by row and add spaces at the end of the columns
        // to match the exact column length
        for ($row = 0; $row < $totalRows; $row++) {
            $column = 0;

            foreach ($tableRows[$row] as $col) {
                $diff = $maxColsLengths[$column] - static::strlen($col);

                if ($diff) {
                    $tableRows[$row][$column] = $tableRows[$row][$column] . str_repeat(' ', $diff);


        $table = '';

        // Joins columns and append the well formatted rows to the table
        for ($row = 0; $row < $totalRows; $row++) {
            // Set the table border-top
            if ($row === 0) {
                $cols = '+';

                foreach ($tableRows[$row] as $col) {
                    $cols .= str_repeat('-', static::strlen($col) + 2) . '+';
                $table .= $cols . PHP_EOL;

            // Set the columns borders
            $table .= '| ' . implode(' | ', $tableRows[$row]) . ' |' . PHP_EOL;

            // Set the thead and table borders-bottom
            if (isset($cols) && (($row === 0 && ! empty($thead)) || ($row + 1 === $totalRows))) {
                $table .= $cols . PHP_EOL;


     * While the library is intended for use on CLI commands,
     * commands can be called from controllers and elsewhere
     * so we need a way to allow them to still work.
     * For now, just echo the content, but look into a better
     * solution down the road.
     * @param resource $handle
    protected static function fwrite($handle, string $string)
        if (! is_cli()) {
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
            echo $string;

            // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

        fwrite($handle, $string);

// Ensure the class is initialized. Done outside of code coverage
CLI::init(); // @codeCoverageIgnore