framework / system / Pager / Pager.php
@MGatner MGatner on 7 Sep 2021 11 KB Release v4.1.4

 * This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Pager;

use CodeIgniter\HTTP\Exceptions\HTTPException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI;
use CodeIgniter\Pager\Exceptions\PagerException;
use CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface;
use Config\Pager as PagerConfig;

 * Class Pager
 * The Pager class provides semi-automatic and manual methods for creating
 * pagination links and reading the current url's query variable, "page"
 * to determine the current page. This class can support multiple
 * paginations on a single page.
class Pager implements PagerInterface
     * The group data.
     * @var array
    protected $groups = [];

     * URI segment for groups if provided.
     * @var array
    protected $segment = [];

     * Our configuration instance.
     * @var PagerConfig
    protected $config;

     * The view engine to render the links with.
     * @var RendererInterface
    protected $view;

     * List of only permitted queries
     * @var array
    protected $only = [];

     * Constructor.
    public function __construct(PagerConfig $config, RendererInterface $view)
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->view   = $view;

     * Handles creating and displaying the
     * @param string $template The output template alias to render.
    public function links(string $group = 'default', string $template = 'default_full'): string

        return $this->displayLinks($group, $template);

     * Creates simple Next/Previous links, instead of full pagination.
    public function simpleLinks(string $group = 'default', string $template = 'default_simple'): string

        return $this->displayLinks($group, $template);

     * Allows for a simple, manual, form of pagination where all of the data
     * is provided by the user. The URL is the current URI.
     * @param string      $template The output template alias to render.
     * @param int         $segment  (whether page number is provided by URI segment)
     * @param string|null $group    optional group (i.e. if we'd like to define custom path)
    public function makeLinks(int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, string $template = 'default_full', int $segment = 0, ?string $group = 'default'): string
        $group = $group === '' ? 'default' : $group;

        $this->store($group, $page, $perPage ?? $this->config->perPage, $total, $segment);

        return $this->displayLinks($group, $template);

     * Does the actual work of displaying the view file. Used internally
     * by links(), simpleLinks(), and makeLinks().
    protected function displayLinks(string $group, string $template): string
        if (! array_key_exists($template, $this->config->templates)) {
            throw PagerException::forInvalidTemplate($template);

        $pager = new PagerRenderer($this->getDetails($group));

        return $this->view->setVar('pager', $pager)->render($this->config->templates[$template]);

     * Stores a set of pagination data for later display. Most commonly used
     * by the model to automate the process.
     * @return $this
    public function store(string $group, int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, int $segment = 0)
        if ($segment) {
            $this->setSegment($segment, $group);

        $this->ensureGroup($group, $perPage);

        if ($segment > 0 && $this->groups[$group]['currentPage'] > 0) {
            $page = $this->groups[$group]['currentPage'];

        $perPage   = $perPage ?? $this->config->perPage;
        $pageCount = (int) ceil($total / $perPage);

        $this->groups[$group]['currentPage'] = $page > $pageCount ? $pageCount : $page;
        $this->groups[$group]['perPage']     = $perPage;
        $this->groups[$group]['total']       = $total;
        $this->groups[$group]['pageCount']   = $pageCount;

        return $this;

     * Sets segment for a group.
     * @return mixed
    public function setSegment(int $number, string $group = 'default')
        $this->segment[$group] = $number;

        return $this;

     * Sets the path that an aliased group of links will use.
     * @return mixed
    public function setPath(string $path, string $group = 'default')


        return $this;

     * Returns the total number of items in data store.
    public function getTotal(string $group = 'default'): int

        return $this->groups[$group]['total'];

     * Returns the total number of pages.
    public function getPageCount(string $group = 'default'): int

        return $this->groups[$group]['pageCount'];

     * Returns the number of the current page of results.
    public function getCurrentPage(string $group = 'default'): int

        return $this->groups[$group]['currentPage'] ?: 1;

     * Tells whether this group of results has any more pages of results.
    public function hasMore(string $group = 'default'): bool

        return ($this->groups[$group]['currentPage'] * $this->groups[$group]['perPage']) < $this->groups[$group]['total'];

     * Returns the last page, if we have a total that we can calculate with.
     * @return int|null
    public function getLastPage(string $group = 'default')

        if (! is_numeric($this->groups[$group]['total']) || ! is_numeric($this->groups[$group]['perPage'])) {
            return null;

        return (int) ceil($this->groups[$group]['total'] / $this->groups[$group]['perPage']);

     * Determines the first page # that should be shown.
    public function getFirstPage(string $group = 'default'): int

        // @todo determine based on a 'surroundCount' value
        return 1;

     * Returns the URI for a specific page for the specified group.
     * @return string|URI
    public function getPageURI(?int $page = null, string $group = 'default', bool $returnObject = false)

         * @var URI $uri
        $uri = $this->groups[$group]['uri'];

        $segment = $this->segment[$group] ?? 0;

        if ($segment) {
            $uri->setSegment($segment, $page);
        } else {
            $uri->addQuery($this->groups[$group]['pageSelector'], $page);

        if ($this->only) {
            $query = array_intersect_key($_GET, array_flip($this->only));

            if (! $segment) {
                $query[$this->groups[$group]['pageSelector']] = $page;


        return $returnObject === true ? $uri : URI::createURIString($uri->getScheme(), $uri->getAuthority(), $uri->getPath(), $uri->getQuery(), $uri->getFragment());

     * Returns the full URI to the next page of results, or null.
     * @return string|null
    public function getNextPageURI(string $group = 'default', bool $returnObject = false)

        $last = $this->getLastPage($group);
        $curr = $this->getCurrentPage($group);
        $page = null;

        if (! empty($last) && ! empty($curr) && $last === $curr) {
            return null;

        if ($last > $curr) {
            $page = $curr + 1;

        return $this->getPageURI($page, $group, $returnObject);

     * Returns the full URL to the previous page of results, or null.
     * @return string|null
    public function getPreviousPageURI(string $group = 'default', bool $returnObject = false)

        $first = $this->getFirstPage($group);
        $curr  = $this->getCurrentPage($group);
        $page  = null;

        if (! empty($first) && ! empty($curr) && $first === $curr) {
            return null;

        if ($first < $curr) {
            $page = $curr - 1;

        return $this->getPageURI($page, $group, $returnObject);

     * Returns the number of results per page that should be shown.
    public function getPerPage(string $group = 'default'): int

        return (int) $this->groups[$group]['perPage'];

     * Returns an array with details about the results, including
     * total, per_page, current_page, last_page, next_url, prev_url, from, to.
     * Does not include the actual data. This data is suitable for adding
     * a 'data' object to with the result set and converting to JSON.
    public function getDetails(string $group = 'default'): array
        if (! array_key_exists($group, $this->groups)) {
            throw PagerException::forInvalidPaginationGroup($group);

        $newGroup = $this->groups[$group];

        $newGroup['next']     = $this->getNextPageURI($group);
        $newGroup['previous'] = $this->getPreviousPageURI($group);
        $newGroup['segment']  = $this->segment[$group] ?? 0;

        return $newGroup;

     * Sets only allowed queries on pagination links.
    public function only(array $queries): self
        $this->only = $queries;

        return $this;

     * Ensures that an array exists for the group specified.
     * @param int $perPage
    protected function ensureGroup(string $group, ?int $perPage = null)
        if (array_key_exists($group, $this->groups)) {

        $this->groups[$group] = [
            'uri'          => clone current_url(true),
            'hasMore'      => false,
            'total'        => null,
            'perPage'      => $perPage ?? $this->config->perPage,
            'pageCount'    => 1,
            'pageSelector' => $group === 'default' ? 'page' : 'page_' . $group,


        if ($_GET) {
            $this->groups[$group]['uri'] = $this->groups[$group]['uri']->setQueryArray($_GET);

     * Calculating the current page
    protected function calculateCurrentPage(string $group)
        if (array_key_exists($group, $this->segment)) {
            try {
                $this->groups[$group]['currentPage'] = (int) $this->groups[$group]['uri']->setSilent(false)->getSegment($this->segment[$group]);
            } catch (HTTPException $e) {
                $this->groups[$group]['currentPage'] = 1;
        } else {
            $pageSelector = $this->groups[$group]['pageSelector'];

            $page = (int) ($_GET[$pageSelector] ?? 1);

            $this->groups[$group]['currentPage'] = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;