framework / system / Router / RouteCollection.php
@Jim Parry Jim Parry on 1 Dec 2018 34 KB Release 4.0.0-alpha.3
namespace CodeIgniter\Router;

 * CodeIgniter
 * An open source application development framework for PHP
 * This content is released under the MIT License (MIT)
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 British Columbia Institute of Technology
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 * @package    CodeIgniter
 * @author     CodeIgniter Dev Team
 * @copyright  2014-2018 British Columbia Institute of Technology (
 * @license	MIT License
 * @link
 * @since      Version 3.0.0
 * @filesource

use CodeIgniter\Autoloader\FileLocator;
use CodeIgniter\Router\Exceptions\RouterException;

 * Class RouteCollection
 * @todo Implement nested resource routing (See CakePHP)
 * @package CodeIgniter\Router
class RouteCollection implements RouteCollectionInterface

	 * The namespace to be added to any Controllers.
	 * Defaults to the global namespaces (\)
	 * @var string
	protected $defaultNamespace = '\\';

	 * The name of the default controller to use
	 * when no other controller is specified.
	 * Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.
	 * @var string
	protected $defaultController = 'Home';

	 * The name of the default method to use
	 * when no other method has been specified.
	 * Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.
	 * @var string
	protected $defaultMethod = 'index';

	 * The placeholder used when routing 'resources'
	 * when no other placeholder has been specified.
	 * @var string
	protected $defaultPlaceholder = 'any';

	 * Whether to convert dashes to underscores in URI.
	 * Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $translateURIDashes = false;

	 * Whether to match URI against Controllers
	 * when it doesn't match defined routes.
	 * Not used here. Pass-thru value for Router class.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $autoRoute = true;

	 * A callable that will be shown
	 * when the route cannot be matched.
	 * @var string|\Closure
	protected $override404;

	 * Defined placeholders that can be used
	 * within the
	 * @var array
	protected $placeholders = [
		'any'      => '.*',
		'segment'  => '[^/]+',
		'alphanum' => '[a-zA-Z0-9]+',
		'num'      => '[0-9]+',
		'alpha'    => '[a-zA-Z]+',
		'hash'     => '[^/]+',

	 * An array of all routes and their mappings.
	 * @var array
	protected $routes = [
		'*'       => [],
		'options' => [],
		'get'     => [],
		'head'    => [],
		'post'    => [],
		'put'     => [],
		'delete'  => [],
		'trace'   => [],
		'connect' => [],
		'cli'     => [],

	 * Array of routes options
	 * @var array
	protected $routesOptions = [];

	 * The current method that the script is being called by.
	 * @var
	protected $HTTPVerb;

	 * The default list of HTTP methods (and CLI for command line usage)
	 * that is allowed if no other method is provided.
	 * @var array
	protected $defaultHTTPMethods = [

	 * The name of the current group, if any.
	 * @var string
	protected $group = null;

	 * The current subdomain.
	 * @var string
	protected $currentSubdomain = null;

	 * Stores copy of current options being
	 * applied during creation.
	 * @var null
	protected $currentOptions = null;

	 * A little performance booster.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $didDiscover = false;

	 * @var \CodeIgniter\Autoloader\FileLocator
	protected $fileLocator;

	 * @var \Config\Modules
	protected $moduleConfig;


	 * Constructor
	 * @param FileLocator    $locator
	 * @param Config/Modules $moduleConfig
	public function __construct(FileLocator $locator, $moduleConfig)
		// Get HTTP verb
		$this->HTTPVerb = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? 'cli');

		$this->fileLocator = $locator;

		$this->moduleConfig = $moduleConfig;


	 * Registers a new constraint with the system. Constraints are used
	 * by the routes as placeholders for regular expressions to make defining
	 * the routes more human-friendly.
	 * You can pass an associative array as $placeholder, and have
	 * multiple placeholders added at once.
	 * @param string|array $placeholder
	 * @param string       $pattern
	 * @return mixed
	public function addPlaceholder($placeholder, string $pattern = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		if (! is_array($placeholder))
			$placeholder = [$placeholder => $pattern];

		$this->placeholders = array_merge($this->placeholders, $placeholder);

		return $this;


	 * Sets the default namespace to use for Controllers when no other
	 * namespace has been specified.
	 * @param $value
	 * @return mixed
	public function setDefaultNamespace(string $value): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->defaultNamespace = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
		$this->defaultNamespace = rtrim($this->defaultNamespace, '\\') . '\\';

		return $this;


	 * Sets the default controller to use when no other controller has been
	 * specified.
	 * @param $value
	 * @return mixed
	public function setDefaultController(string $value): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->defaultController = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

		return $this;


	 * Sets the default method to call on the controller when no other
	 * method has been set in the route.
	 * @param $value
	 * @return mixed
	public function setDefaultMethod(string $value): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->defaultMethod = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

		return $this;


	 * Tells the system whether to convert dashes in URI strings into
	 * underscores. In some search engines, including Google, dashes
	 * create more meaning and make it easier for the search engine to
	 * find words and meaning in the URI for better SEO. But it
	 * doesn't work well with PHP method names....
	 * @param boolean $value
	 * @return mixed
	public function setTranslateURIDashes(bool $value): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->translateURIDashes = $value;

		return $this;


	 * If TRUE, the system will attempt to match the URI against
	 * Controllers by matching each segment against folders/files
	 * in APPPATH/Controllers, when a match wasn't found against
	 * defined routes.
	 * If FALSE, will stop searching and do NO automatic routing.
	 * @param boolean $value
	 * @return RouteCollectionInterface
	public function setAutoRoute(bool $value): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->autoRoute = $value;

		return $this;


	 * Sets the class/method that should be called if routing doesn't
	 * find a match. It can be either a closure or the controller/method
	 * name exactly like a route is defined: Users::index
	 * This setting is passed to the Router class and handled there.
	 * @param callable|null $callable
	 * @return RouteCollectionInterface
	public function set404Override($callable = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->override404 = $callable;

		return $this;


	 * Returns the 404 Override setting, which can be null, a closure
	 * or the controller/string.
	 * @return string|\Closure|null
	public function get404Override()
		return $this->override404;


	 * Will attempt to discover any additional routes, either through
	 * the local PSR4 namespaces, or through selected Composer packages.
	 * (Composer coming soon...)
	protected function discoverRoutes()
		if ($this->didDiscover)

		// We need this var in local scope
		// so route files can access it.
		$routes = $this;

		 * Discover Local Files
		if ($this->moduleConfig->shouldDiscover('routes'))
			$files = $this->fileLocator->search('Config/Routes.php');

			foreach ($files as $file)
				// Don't include our main file again...
				if ($file === APPPATH . 'Config/Routes.php')

				include $file;

		 * Discover Composer files (coming soon)

		$this->didDiscover = true;


	 * Sets the default constraint to be used in the system. Typically
	 * for use with the 'resource' method.
	 * @param string $placeholder
	 * @return RouteCollectionInterface
	public function setDefaultConstraint(string $placeholder): RouteCollectionInterface
		if (array_key_exists($placeholder, $this->placeholders))
			$this->defaultPlaceholder = $placeholder;

		return $this;


	 * Returns the name of the default controller. With Namespace.
	 * @return string
	public function getDefaultController(): string
		return $this->defaultController;


	 * Returns the name of the default method to use within the controller.
	 * @return string
	public function getDefaultMethod(): string
		return $this->defaultMethod;


	 * Returns the default namespace as set in the Routes config file.
	 * @return string
	public function getDefaultNamespace(): string
		return $this->defaultNamespace;


	 * Returns the current value of the translateURIDashses setting.
	 * @return mixed
	public function shouldTranslateURIDashes(): bool
		return $this->translateURIDashes;


	 * Returns the flag that tells whether to autoRoute URI against Controllers.
	 * @return boolean
	public function shouldAutoRoute(): bool
		return $this->autoRoute;


	 * Returns the raw array of available routes.
	 * @param null $verb
	 * @return array
	public function getRoutes($verb = null): array
		if (empty($verb))
			$verb = $this->getHTTPVerb();

		// Since this is the entry point for the Router,
		// take a moment to do any route discovery
		// we might need to do.

		$routes = [];

		if (isset($this->routes[$verb]))
			// Keep current verb's routes at the beginning so they're matched
			// before any of the generic, "add" routes.
			if (isset($this->routes['*']))
				$extraRules = array_diff_key($this->routes['*'], $this->routes[$verb]);
				$collection = array_merge($this->routes[$verb], $extraRules);
			foreach ($collection as $r)
				$key          = key($r['route']);
				$routes[$key] = $r['route'][$key];

		return $routes;


	 * Returns one or all routes options
	 * @param string $from
	 * @return array
	public function getRoutesOptions(string $from = null)
		return $from ? $this->routesOptions[$from] ?? [] : $this->routesOptions;


	 * Returns the current HTTP Verb being used.
	 * @return string
	public function getHTTPVerb(): string
		return $this->HTTPVerb;


	 * Sets the current HTTP verb.
	 * Used primarily for testing.
	 * @param string $verb
	 * @return $this
	public function setHTTPVerb(string $verb)
		$this->HTTPVerb = $verb;

		return $this;

	 * A shortcut method to add a number of routes at a single time.
	 * It does not allow any options to be set on the route, or to
	 * define the method used.
	 * @param array $routes
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return RouteCollectionInterface
	public function map(array $routes = [], array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		foreach ($routes as $from => $to)
			$this->add($from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Adds a single route to the collection.
	 * Example:
	 *      $routes->add('news', 'Posts::index');
	 * @param string       $from
	 * @param array|string $to
	 * @param $options
	 * @return RouteCollectionInterface
	public function add(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('*', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Adds a temporary redirect from one route to another. Used for
	 * redirecting traffic from old, non-existing routes to the new
	 * moved routes.
	 * @param string  $from   The pattern to match against
	 * @param string  $to     Either a route name or a URI to redirect to
	 * @param integer $status The HTTP status code that should be returned with this redirect
	 * @return RouteCollection
	public function addRedirect(string $from, string $to, int $status = 302)
		// Use the named route's pattern if this is a named route.
		if (array_key_exists($to, $this->routes['*']))
			$to = $this->routes['*'][$to]['route'];

		$this->create('*', $from, $to, ['redirect' => $status]);

		return $this;


	 * Determines if the route is a redirecting route.
	 * @param string $from
	 * @return boolean
	public function isRedirect(string $from): bool
		foreach ($this->routes['*'] as $name => $route)
			// Named route?
			if ($name === $from || key($route['route']) === $from)
				return isset($route['redirect']) && is_numeric($route['redirect']);

		return false;


	 * Grabs the HTTP status code from a redirecting Route.
	 * @param string $from
	 * @return integer
	public function getRedirectCode(string $from): int
		foreach ($this->routes['*'] as $name => $route)
			// Named route?
			if ($name === $from || key($route['route']) === $from)
				return $route['redirect'] ?? 0;

		return 0;

	// Grouping Routes

	 * Group a series of routes under a single URL segment. This is handy
	 * for grouping items into an admin area, like:
	 * Example:
	 *     // Creates route: admin/users
	 *     $route->group('admin', function() {
	 *            $route->resource('users');
	 *     });
	 * @param string $name The name to group/prefix the routes with.
	 * @param $params
	 * @return void
	public function group($name, ...$params)
		$oldGroup   = $this->group;
		$oldOptions = $this->currentOptions;

		// To register a route, we'll set a flag so that our router
		// so it will see the group name.
		$this->group = ltrim($oldGroup . '/' . $name, '/');

		$callback = array_pop($params);

		if ($params && is_array($params[0]))
			$this->currentOptions = array_shift($params);

		if (is_callable($callback))

		$this->group          = $oldGroup;
		$this->currentOptions = $oldOptions;

	// HTTP Verb-based routing
	// Routing works here because, as the routes Config file is read in,
	// the various HTTP verb-based routes will only be added to the in-memory
	// routes if it is a call that should respond to that verb.
	// The options array is typically used to pass in an 'as' or var, but may
	// be expanded in the future. See the docblock for 'add' method above for
	// current list of globally available options.


	 * Creates a collections of HTTP-verb based routes for a controller.
	 * Possible Options:
	 *      'controller'    - Customize the name of the controller used in the 'to' route
	 *      'placeholder'   - The regex used by the Router. Defaults to '(:any)'
	 * Example:
	 *      $route->resource('photos');
	 *      // Generates the following routes:
	 *      HTTP Verb | Path        | Action        | Used for...
	 *      ----------+-------------+---------------+-----------------
	 *      GET         /photos             index           display a list of photos
	 *      GET         /photos/new         new             new a specific photo
	 *      GET         /photos/{id}/edit   edit            edit a specific photo
	 *      GET         /photos/{id}        show            display a specific photo
	 *      POST        /photos             create          create a new photo
	 *      PUT/PATCH   /photos/{id}        update          update an existing photo
	 *      DELETE      /photos/{id}        delete          delete an existing photo
	 *  If 'websafe' option is present, the following paths are also available:
	 *      POST        /photos/{id}        update
	 *      DELETE      /photos/{id}/delete delete
	 * @param string $name    The name of the controller to route to.
	 * @param array  $options An list of possible ways to customize the routing.
	 * @return RouteCollectionInterface
	public function resource(string $name, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		// In order to allow customization of the route the
		// resources are sent to, we need to have a new name
		// to store the values in.
		$new_name = ucfirst($name);

		// If a new controller is specified, then we replace the
		// $name value with the name of the new controller.
		if (isset($options['controller']))
			$new_name = ucfirst(filter_var($options['controller'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));

		// In order to allow customization of allowed id values
		// we need someplace to store them.
		$id = $this->placeholders[$this->defaultPlaceholder] ?? '(:segment)';

		if (isset($options['placeholder']))
			$id = $options['placeholder'];

		// Make sure we capture back-references
		$id = '(' . trim($id, '()') . ')';

		$methods = isset($options['only']) ? is_string($options['only']) ? explode(',', $options['only']) : $options['only'] : ['index', 'show', 'create', 'update', 'delete', 'new', 'edit'];

		if (isset($options['except']))
			$options['except'] = is_array($options['except']) ? $options['except'] : explode(',', $options['except']);
			$c                 = count($methods);
			for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i ++)
				if (in_array($methods[$i], $options['except']))

		if (in_array('index', $methods))
			$this->get($name, $new_name . '::index', $options);
		if (in_array('new', $methods))
			$this->get($name . '/new', $new_name . '::new', $options);
		if (in_array('edit', $methods))
			$this->get($name . '/' . $id . '/edit', $new_name . '::edit/$1', $options);
		if (in_array('show', $methods))
			$this->get($name . '/' . $id, $new_name . '::show/$1', $options);
		if (in_array('create', $methods))
			$this->post($name, $new_name . '::create', $options);
		if (in_array('update', $methods))
			$this->put($name . '/' . $id, $new_name . '::update/$1', $options);
			$this->patch($name . '/' . $id, $new_name . '::update/$1', $options);
		if (in_array('delete', $methods))
			$this->delete($name . '/' . $id, $new_name . '::delete/$1', $options);

		// Web Safe?
		if (isset($options['websafe']))
			if (in_array('update', $methods))
				$this->post($name . '/' . $id, $new_name . '::update/$1', $options);
			if (in_array('delete', $methods))
				$this->post($name . '/' . $id . '/delete', $new_name . '::delete/$1', $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a single route to match for multiple HTTP Verbs.
	 * Example:
	 *  $route->match( ['get', 'post'], 'users/(:num)', 'users/$1);
	 * @param array $verbs
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function match(array $verbs = [], string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		foreach ($verbs as $verb)
			$verb = strtolower($verb);

			$this->{$verb}($from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to GET requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function get(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('get', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to POST requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function post(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('post', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to PUT requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function put(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('put', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to DELETE requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function delete(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('delete', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to HEAD requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function head(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('head', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to PATCH requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function patch(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('patch', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to OPTIONS requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function options(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('options', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Specifies a route that is only available to command-line requests.
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface
	public function cli(string $from, $to, array $options = null): RouteCollectionInterface
		$this->create('cli', $from, $to, $options);

		return $this;


	 * Limits the routes to a specified ENVIRONMENT or they won't run.
	 * @param string   $env
	 * @param \Closure $callback
	 * @return RouteCollectionInterface
	public function environment(string $env, \Closure $callback): RouteCollectionInterface
		if (ENVIRONMENT === $env)

		return $this;


	 * Attempts to look up a route based on it's destination.
	 * If a route exists:
	 *      'path/(:any)/(:any)' => 'Controller::method/$1/$2'
	 * This method allows you to know the Controller and method
	 * and get the route that leads to it.
	 *      // Equals 'path/$param1/$param2'
	 *      reverseRoute('Controller::method', $param1, $param2);
	 * @param string $search
	 * @param array  ...$params
	 * @return string|false
	public function reverseRoute(string $search, ...$params)
		// Named routes get higher priority.
		foreach ($this->routes as $verb => $collection)
			if (array_key_exists($search, $collection))
				return $this->fillRouteParams(key($collection[$search]['route']), $params);

		// If it's not a named route, then loop over
		// all routes to find a match.
		foreach ($this->routes as $verb => $collection)
			foreach ($collection as $route)
				$from = key($route['route']);
				$to   = $route['route'][$from];

				// Lose any namespace slash at beginning of strings
				// to ensure more consistent match.
				$to     = ltrim($to, '\\');
				$search = ltrim($search, '\\');

				// If there's any chance of a match, then it will
				// be with $search at the beginning of the $to string.
				if (strpos($to, $search) !== 0)

				// Ensure that the number of $params given here
				// matches the number of back-references in the route
				if (substr_count($to, '$') !== count($params))

				return $this->fillRouteParams($from, $params);

		// If we're still here, then we did not find a match.
		return false;


	 * Checks a route (using the "from") to see if it's filtered or not.
	 * @param string $search
	 * @return boolean
	public function isFiltered(string $search): bool
		return isset($this->routesOptions[$search]['filter']);


	 * Returns the filter that should be applied for a single route, along
	 * with any parameters it might have. Parameters are found by splitting
	 * the parameter name on a colon to separate the filter name from the parameter list,
	 * and the splitting the result on commas. So:
	 *    'role:admin,manager'
	 * has a filter of "role", with parameters of ['admin', 'manager'].
	 * @param string $search
	 * @return string
	public function getFilterForRoute(string $search): string
		if (! $this->isFiltered($search))
			return '';

		return $this->routesOptions[$search]['filter'];


	 * Given a
	 * @param string     $from
	 * @param array|null $params
	 * @return string
	protected function fillRouteParams(string $from, array $params = null): string
		// Find all of our back-references in the original route
		preg_match_all('/\(([^)]+)\)/', $from, $matches);

		if (empty($matches[0]))
			return '/' . ltrim($from, '/');

		// Build our resulting string, inserting the $params in
		// the appropriate places.
		foreach ($matches[0] as $index => $pattern)
			// Ensure that the param we're inserting matches
			// the expected param type.
			$pos = strpos($from, $pattern);

			if (preg_match("|{$pattern}|", $params[$index]))
				$from = substr_replace($from, $params[$index], $pos, strlen($pattern));
				throw RouterException::forInvalidParameterType();

		return '/' . ltrim($from, '/');


	 * Does the heavy lifting of creating an actual route. You must specify
	 * the request method(s) that this route will work for. They can be separated
	 * by a pipe character "|" if there is more than one.
	 * @param string     $verb
	 * @param string     $from
	 * @param $to
	 * @param array|null $options
	protected function create(string $verb, string $from, $to, array $options = null)
		$prefix = is_null($this->group) ? '' : $this->group . '/';

		$from = filter_var($prefix . $from, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

		// While we want to add a route within a group of '/',
		// it doens't work with matching, so remove them...
		if ($from !== '/')
			$from = trim($from, '/');

		$options = array_merge((array) $this->currentOptions, (array) $options);

		// Hostname limiting?
		if (! empty($options['hostname']))
			// @todo determine if there's a way to whitelist hosts?
			if (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) !== strtolower($options['hostname']))

		// Limiting to subdomains?
		else if (isset($options['subdomain']) && ! empty($options['subdomain']))
			// If we don't match the current subdomain, then
			// we don't need to add the route.
			if (! $this->checkSubdomains($options['subdomain']))

		// Are we offsetting the binds?
		// If so, take care of them here in one
		// fell swoop.
		if (isset($options['offset']) && is_string($to))
			// Get a constant string to work with.
			$to = preg_replace('/(\$\d+)/', '$X', $to);

			for ($i = (int) $options['offset'] + 1; $i < (int) $options['offset'] + 7; $i ++)
				$to = preg_replace_callback(
						'/\$X/', function ($m) use ($i) {
							return '$' . $i;
						}, $to, 1

		// Replace our regex pattern placeholders with the actual thing
		// so that the Router doesn't need to know about any of this.
		foreach ($this->placeholders as $tag => $pattern)
			$from = str_ireplace(':' . $tag, $pattern, $from);

		// If no namespace found, add the default namespace
		if (is_string($to) && strpos($to, '\\') === false)
			$namespace = $options['namespace'] ?? $this->defaultNamespace;
			$to        = trim($namespace, '\\') . '\\' . $to;

		// Always ensure that we escape our namespace so we're not pointing to
		// \CodeIgniter\Routes\Controller::method.
		if (is_string($to))
			$to = '\\' . ltrim($to, '\\');

		$name = $options['as'] ?? $from;

		// Don't overwrite any existing 'froms' so that auto-discovered routes
		// do not overwrite any application/Config/Routes settings. The app
		// routes should always be the "source of truth".
		// this works only because discovered routes are added just prior
		// to attempting to route the request.
		if (isset($this->routes[$verb][$name]))

		$this->routes[$verb][$name] = [
			'route' => [$from => $to],

		$this->routesOptions[$from] = $options;

		// Is this a redirect?
		if (isset($options['redirect']) && is_numeric($options['redirect']))
			$this->routes['*'][$name]['redirect'] = $options['redirect'];


	 * Compares the subdomain(s) passed in against the current subdomain
	 * on this page request.
	 * @param $subdomains
	 * @return boolean
	private function checkSubdomains($subdomains)
		if (is_null($this->currentSubdomain))
			$this->currentSubdomain = $this->determineCurrentSubdomain();

		if (! is_array($subdomains))
			$subdomains = [$subdomains];

		// Routes can be limited to any sub-domain. In that case, though,
		// it does require a sub-domain to be present.
		if (! empty($this->currentSubdomain) && in_array('*', $subdomains))
			return true;

		foreach ($subdomains as $subdomain)
			if ($subdomain === $this->currentSubdomain)
				return true;

		return false;


	 * Examines the HTTP_HOST to get a best match for the subdomain. It
	 * won't be perfect, but should work for our needs.
	 * It's especially not perfect since it's possible to register a domain
	 * with a period (.) as part of the domain name.
	private function determineCurrentSubdomain()
		// We have to ensure that a scheme exists
		// on the URL else parse_url will mis-interpret
		// 'host' as the 'path'.
		$url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
		if (strpos($url, 'http') !== 0)
			$url = 'http://' . $url;

		$parsedUrl = parse_url($url);

		$host = explode('.', $parsedUrl['host']);

		if ($host[0] === 'www')

		// Get rid of any domains, which will be the last

		// Account for,, etc. domains
		if (end($host) === 'co')
			$host = array_slice($host, 0, -1);

		// If we only have 1 part left, then we don't have a sub-domain.
		if (count($host) === 1)
			// Set it to false so we don't make it back here again.
			return false;

		return array_shift($host);
