framework / system / Debug / Toolbar / Collectors / Events.php
@MGatner MGatner on 1 Feb 2021 3 KB Release v4.0.5

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors;

use CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface;
use Config\Services;

 * Views collector
class Events extends BaseCollector
	 * Whether this collector has data that can
	 * be displayed in the Timeline.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $hasTimeline = false;

	 * Whether this collector needs to display
	 * content in a tab or not.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $hasTabContent = true;

	 * Whether this collector has data that
	 * should be shown in the Vars tab.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $hasVarData = false;

	 * The 'title' of this Collector.
	 * Used to name things in the toolbar HTML.
	 * @var string
	protected $title = 'Events';

	 * Instance of the Renderer service
	 * @var RendererInterface
	protected $viewer;


	 * Constructor.
	public function __construct()
		$this->viewer = Services::renderer();


	 * Child classes should implement this to return the timeline data
	 * formatted for correct usage.
	 * @return array
	protected function formatTimelineData(): array
		$data = [];

		$rows = $this->viewer->getPerformanceData(); // @phpstan-ignore-line

		foreach ($rows as $info)
			$data[] = [
				'name'      => 'View: ' . $info['view'],
				'component' => 'Views',
				'start'     => $info['start'],
				'duration'  => $info['end'] - $info['start'],

		return $data;


	 * Returns the data of this collector to be formatted in the toolbar
	 * @return array
	public function display(): array
		$data = [
			'events' => [],

		foreach (\CodeIgniter\Events\Events::getPerformanceLogs() as $row)
			$key = $row['event'];

			if (! array_key_exists($key, $data['events']))
				$data['events'][$key] = [
					'event'    => $key,
					'duration' => ($row['end'] - $row['start']) * 1000,
					'count'    => 1,


			$data['events'][$key]['duration'] += ($row['end'] - $row['start']) * 1000;

		foreach ($data['events'] as &$row)
			$row['duration'] = number_format($row['duration'], 2);

		return $data;


	 * Gets the "badge" value for the button.
	 * @return integer
	public function getBadgeValue(): int
		return count(\CodeIgniter\Events\Events::getPerformanceLogs());


	 * Display the icon.
	 * Icon from - 1em package
	 * @return string
	public function icon(): string
		return '';