framework / system / Common.php
@Jim Parry Jim Parry on 6 May 2019 25 KB Release 4.0.0-beta.3

 * CodeIgniter
 * An open source application development framework for PHP
 * This content is released under the MIT License (MIT)
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2019 British Columbia Institute of Technology
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 * @package    CodeIgniter
 * @author     CodeIgniter Dev Team
 * @copyright  2014-2019 British Columbia Institute of Technology (
 * @license  MIT License
 * @link
 * @since      Version 4.0.0
 * @filesource

use CodeIgniter\Config\Config;
use CodeIgniter\Files\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RedirectResponse;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI;
use Config\App;
use Config\Database;
use Config\Logger;
use Config\Services;
use Tests\Support\Log\TestLogger;
use Zend\Escaper\Escaper;

 * Common Functions
 * Several application-wide utility methods.
 * @package  CodeIgniter
 * @category Common Functions
// Services Convenience Functions

if (! function_exists('cache'))
	 * A convenience method that provides access to the Cache
	 * object. If no parameter is provided, will return the object,
	 * otherwise, will attempt to return the cached value.
	 * Examples:
	 *    cache()->save('foo', 'bar');
	 *    $foo = cache('bar');
	 * @param string|null $key
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Cache\CacheInterface|mixed
	function cache(string $key = null)
		$cache = Services::cache();

		// No params - return cache object
		if (is_null($key))
			return $cache;

		// Still here? Retrieve the value.
		return $cache->get($key);


if (! function_exists('config'))
	 * More simple way of getting config instances
	 * @param string  $name
	 * @param boolean $getShared
	 * @return mixed
	function config(string $name, bool $getShared = true)
		return Config::get($name, $getShared);


if (! function_exists('db_connnect'))
	 * Grabs a database connection and returns it to the user.
	 * This is a convenience wrapper for \Config\Database::connect()
	 * and supports the same parameters. Namely:
	 * When passing in $db, you may pass any of the following to connect:
	 * - group name
	 * - existing connection instance
	 * - array of database configuration values
	 * If $getShared === false then a new connection instance will be provided,
	 * otherwise it will all calls will return the same instance.
	 * @param \CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface|array|string $db
	 * @param boolean                                                $getShared
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
	function db_connect($db = null, bool $getShared = true)
		return Database::connect($db, $getShared);


if (! function_exists('view'))
	 * Grabs the current RendererInterface-compatible class
	 * and tells it to render the specified view. Simply provides
	 * a convenience method that can be used in Controllers,
	 * libraries, and routed closures.
	 * NOTE: Does not provide any escaping of the data, so that must
	 * all be handled manually by the developer.
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param array  $data
	 * @param array  $options Unused - reserved for third-party extensions.
	 * @return string
	function view(string $name, array $data = [], array $options = []): string
		 * @var CodeIgniter\View\View $renderer
		$renderer = Services::renderer();

		$saveData = null;
		if (array_key_exists('saveData', $options) && $options['saveData'] === true)
			$saveData = (bool) $options['saveData'];

		return $renderer->setData($data, 'raw')
						->render($name, $options, $saveData);


if (! function_exists('view_cell'))
	 * View cells are used within views to insert HTML chunks that are managed
	 * by other classes.
	 * @param string      $library
	 * @param null        $params
	 * @param integer     $ttl
	 * @param string|null $cacheName
	 * @return string
	 * @throws \ReflectionException
	function view_cell(string $library, $params = null, int $ttl = 0, string $cacheName = null): string
		return Services::viewcell()
						->render($library, $params, $ttl, $cacheName);


if (! function_exists('env'))
	 * Allows user to retrieve values from the environment
	 * variables that have been set. Especially useful for
	 * retrieving values set from the .env file for
	 * use in config files.
	 * @param string $key
	 * @param null   $default
	 * @return mixed
	function env(string $key, $default = null)
		$value = getenv($key);
		if ($value === false)
			$value = $_ENV[$key] ?? $_SERVER[$key] ?? false;

		// Not found? Return the default value
		if ($value === false)
			return $default;

		// Handle any boolean values
		switch (strtolower($value))
			case 'true':
				return true;
			case 'false':
				return false;
			case 'empty':
				return '';
			case 'null':
				return null;

		return $value;


if (! function_exists('esc'))
	 * Performs simple auto-escaping of data for security reasons.
	 * Might consider making this more complex at a later date.
	 * If $data is a string, then it simply escapes and returns it.
	 * If $data is an array, then it loops over it, escaping each
	 * 'value' of the key/value pairs.
	 * Valid context values: html, js, css, url, attr, raw, null
	 * @param string|array $data
	 * @param string       $context
	 * @param string       $encoding
	 * @return string|array
	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
	function esc($data, string $context = 'html', string $encoding = null)
		if (is_array($data))
			foreach ($data as $key => &$value)
				$value = esc($value, $context);

		if (is_string($data))
			$context = strtolower($context);

			// Provide a way to NOT escape data since
			// this could be called automatically by
			// the View library.
			if (empty($context) || $context === 'raw')
				return $data;

			if (! in_array($context, ['html', 'js', 'css', 'url', 'attr']))
				throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid escape context provided.');

			if ($context === 'attr')
				$method = 'escapeHtmlAttr';
				$method = 'escape' . ucfirst($context);

			static $escaper;
			if (! $escaper)
				$escaper = new Escaper($encoding);

			if ($encoding && $escaper->getEncoding() !== $encoding)
				$escaper = new Escaper($encoding);

			$data = $escaper->$method($data);

		return $data;


if (! function_exists('session'))
	 * A convenience method for accessing the session instance,
	 * or an item that has been set in the session.
	 * Examples:
	 *    session()->set('foo', 'bar');
	 *    $foo = session('bar');
	 * @param string $val
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Session\Session|mixed|null
	function session(string $val = null)
		$session = Services::session();

		// Returning a single item?
		if (is_string($val))
			return $session->get($val);

		return $session;


if (! function_exists('timer'))
	 * A convenience method for working with the timer.
	 * If no parameter is passed, it will return the timer instance,
	 * otherwise will start or stop the timer intelligently.
	 * @param string|null $name
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\Debug\Timer|mixed
	function timer(string $name = null)
		$timer = Services::timer();

		if (empty($name))
			return $timer;

		if ($timer->has($name))
			return $timer->stop($name);

		return $timer->start($name);


if (! function_exists('service'))
	 * Allows cleaner access to the Services Config file.
	 * Always returns a SHARED instance of the class, so
	 * calling the function multiple times should always
	 * return the same instance.
	 * These are equal:
	 *  - $timer = service('timer')
	 *  - $timer = \CodeIgniter\Config\Services::timer();
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param array  ...$params
	 * @return mixed
	function service(string $name, ...$params)
		return Services::$name(...$params);


if (! function_exists('single_service'))
	 * Allow cleaner access to a Service.
	 * Always returns a new instance of the class.
	 * @param string     $name
	 * @param array|null $params
	 * @return mixed
	function single_service(string $name, ...$params)
		// Ensure it's NOT a shared instance
		array_push($params, false);

		return Services::$name(...$params);


if (! function_exists('lang'))
	 * A convenience method to translate a string and format it
	 * with the intl extension's MessageFormatter object.
	 * @param string $line
	 * @param array  $args
	 * @param string $locale
	 * @return string
	function lang(string $line, array $args = [], string $locale = null): string
		return Services::language($locale)
						->getLine($line, $args);


if (! function_exists('log_message'))
	 * A convenience/compatibility method for logging events through
	 * the Log system.
	 * Allowed log levels are:
	 *  - emergency
	 *  - alert
	 *  - critical
	 *  - error
	 *  - warning
	 *  - notice
	 *  - info
	 *  - debug
	 * @param string     $level
	 * @param string     $message
	 * @param array|null $context
	 * @return mixed
	function log_message(string $level, string $message, array $context = [])
		// When running tests, we want to always ensure that the
		// TestLogger is running, which provides utilities for
		// for asserting that logs were called in the test code.
		if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing')
			$logger = new TestLogger(new Logger());

			return $logger->log($level, $message, $context);

		// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
		return Services::logger(true)
						->log($level, $message, $context);
		// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd


if (! function_exists('is_cli'))
	 * Is CLI?
	 * Test to see if a request was made from the command line.
	 * @return boolean
	function is_cli(): bool
		return (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || defined('STDIN'));


if (! function_exists('route_to'))
	 * Given a controller/method string and any params,
	 * will attempt to build the relative URL to the
	 * matching route.
	 * NOTE: This requires the controller/method to
	 * have a route defined in the routes Config file.
	 * @param string $method
	 * @param array  ...$params
	 * @return false|string
	function route_to(string $method, ...$params)
		return Services::routes()->reverseRoute($method, ...$params);


if (! function_exists('remove_invisible_characters'))
	 * Remove Invisible Characters
	 * This prevents sandwiching null characters
	 * between ascii characters, like Java\0script.
	 * @param string  $str
	 * @param boolean $urlEncoded
	 * @return string
	function remove_invisible_characters(string $str, bool $urlEncoded = true): string
		$nonDisplayables = [];

		// every control character except newline (dec 10),
		// carriage return (dec 13) and horizontal tab (dec 09)
		if ($urlEncoded)
			$nonDisplayables[] = '/%0[0-8bcef]/';  // url encoded 00-08, 11, 12, 14, 15
			$nonDisplayables[] = '/%1[0-9a-f]/';   // url encoded 16-31

		$nonDisplayables[] = '/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]+/S';   // 00-08, 11, 12, 14-31, 127

			$str = preg_replace($nonDisplayables, '', $str, -1, $count);
		while ($count);

		return $str;


if (! function_exists('helper'))
	 * Loads a helper file into memory. Supports namespaced helpers,
	 * both in and out of the 'helpers' directory of a namespaced directory.
	 * Will load ALL helpers of the matching name, in the following order:
	 *   1. app/Helpers
	 *   2. {namespace}/Helpers
	 *   3. system/Helpers
	 * @param  string|array $filenames
	 * @throws \CodeIgniter\Files\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException
	function helper($filenames)
		$loader = Services::locator(true);

		if (! is_array($filenames))
			$filenames = [$filenames];

		// Store a list of all files to include...
		$includes = [];

		foreach ($filenames as $filename)
			// Store our system and application helper
			// versions so that we can control the load ordering.
			$systemHelper  = null;
			$appHelper     = null;
			$localIncludes = [];

			if (strpos($filename, '_helper') === false)
				$filename .= '_helper';

			// If the file is namespaced, we'll just grab that
			// file and not search for any others
			if (strpos($filename, '\\') !== false)
				$path = $loader->locateFile($filename, 'Helpers');

				if (empty($path))
					throw FileNotFoundException::forFileNotFound($filename);

				$includes[] = $path;

			// No namespaces, so search in all available locations
				$paths = $loader->search('Helpers/' . $filename);

				if (! empty($paths))
					foreach ($paths as $path)
						if (strpos($path, APPPATH) === 0)
							// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
							$appHelper = $path;
							// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
						elseif (strpos($path, SYSTEMPATH) === 0)
							$systemHelper = $path;
							$localIncludes[] = $path;

				// App-level helpers should override all others
				if (! empty($appHelper))
					// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
					$includes[] = $appHelper;
					// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

				// All namespaced files get added in next
				$includes = array_merge($includes, $localIncludes);

				// And the system default one should be added in last.
				if (! empty($systemHelper))
					$includes[] = $systemHelper;

		// Now actually include all of the files
		if (! empty($includes))
			foreach ($includes as $path)


if (! function_exists('app_timezone'))
	 * Returns the timezone the application has been set to display
	 * dates in. This might be different than the timezone set
	 * at the server level, as you often want to stores dates in UTC
	 * and convert them on the fly for the user.
	 * @return string
	function app_timezone(): string
		$config = config(App::class);

		return $config->appTimezone;


if (! function_exists('csrf_token'))
	 * Returns the CSRF token name.
	 * Can be used in Views when building hidden inputs manually,
	 * or used in javascript vars when using APIs.
	 * @return string
	function csrf_token(): string
		$config = config(App::class);

		return $config->CSRFTokenName;


if (! function_exists('csrf_hash'))
	 * Returns the current hash value for the CSRF protection.
	 * Can be used in Views when building hidden inputs manually,
	 * or used in javascript vars for API usage.
	 * @return string
	function csrf_hash(): string
		$security = Services::security(null, true);

		return $security->getCSRFHash();


if (! function_exists('csrf_field'))
	 * Generates a hidden input field for use within manually generated forms.
	 * @param string|null $id
	 * @return string
	function csrf_field(string $id = null): string
		return '<input type="hidden"' . (! empty($id) ? ' id="' . esc($id, 'attr') . '"' : '') . ' name="' . csrf_token() . '" value="' . csrf_hash() . '" />';


if (! function_exists('force_https'))
	 * Used to force a page to be accessed in via HTTPS.
	 * Uses a standard redirect, plus will set the HSTS header
	 * for modern browsers that support, which gives best
	 * protection against man-in-the-middle attacks.
	 * @see
	 * @param integer           $duration How long should the SSL header be set for? (in seconds)
	 *                                    Defaults to 1 year.
	 * @param RequestInterface  $request
	 * @param ResponseInterface $response
	 * Not testable, as it will exit!
	 * @throws             \CodeIgniter\HTTP\Exceptions\HTTPException
	 * @codeCoverageIgnore
	function force_https(int $duration = 31536000, RequestInterface $request = null, ResponseInterface $response = null)
		if (is_null($request))
			$request = Services::request(null, true);
		if (is_null($response))
			$response = Services::response(null, true);

		if (is_cli() || $request->isSecure())

		// If the session library is loaded, we should regenerate
		// the session ID for safety sake.
		if (class_exists('Session', false))
			Services::session(null, true)

		$uri = $request->uri;

		$uri = URI::createURIString(
						$uri->getScheme(), $uri->getAuthority(true), $uri->getPath(), // Absolute URIs should use a "/" for an empty path
						$uri->getQuery(), $uri->getFragment()

		// Set an HSTS header
		$response->setHeader('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=' . $duration);


if (! function_exists('old'))
	 * Provides access to "old input" that was set in the session
	 * during a redirect()->withInput().
	 * @param string         $key
	 * @param null           $default
	 * @param string|boolean $escape
	 * @return mixed|null
	function old(string $key, $default = null, $escape = 'html')
		// Ensure the session is loaded
		if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE && ENVIRONMENT !== 'testing')

		$request = Services::request();

		$value = $request->getOldInput($key);

		// Return the default value if nothing
		// found in the old input.
		if (is_null($value))
			return $default;

		// If the result was serialized array or string, then unserialize it for use...
		if (is_string($value))
			if (strpos($value, 'a:') === 0 || strpos($value, 's:') === 0)
				$value = unserialize($value);

		return $escape === false ? $value : esc($value, $escape);


if (! function_exists('redirect'))
	 * Convenience method that works with the current global $request and
	 * $router instances to redirect using named/reverse-routed routes
	 * to determine the URL to go to. If nothing is found, will treat
	 * as a traditional redirect and pass the string in, letting
	 * $response->redirect() determine the correct method and code.
	 * If more control is needed, you must use $response->redirect explicitly.
	 * @param string $uri
	 * @return \CodeIgniter\HTTP\RedirectResponse
	function redirect(string $uri = null): RedirectResponse
		$response = Services::redirectResponse(null, true);

		if (! empty($uri))
			return $response->route($uri);

		return $response;


if (! function_exists('stringify_attributes'))
	 * Stringify attributes for use in HTML tags.
	 * Helper function used to convert a string, array, or object
	 * of attributes to a string.
	 * @param mixed   $attributes string, array, object
	 * @param boolean $js
	 * @return string
	function stringify_attributes($attributes, bool $js = false): string
		$atts = '';

		if (empty($attributes))
			return $atts;

		if (is_string($attributes))
			return ' ' . $attributes;

		$attributes = (array) $attributes;

		foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)
			$atts .= ($js) ? $key . '=' . esc($val, 'js') . ',' : ' ' . $key . '="' . esc($val, 'attr') . '"';

		return rtrim($atts, ',');


if (! function_exists('is_really_writable'))
	 * Tests for file writability
	 * is_writable() returns TRUE on Windows servers when you really can't write to
	 * the file, based on the read-only attribute. is_writable() is also unreliable
	 * on Unix servers if safe_mode is on.
	 * @link
	 * @param string $file
	 * @return boolean
	 * @throws             \Exception
	 * @codeCoverageIgnore Not practical to test, as travis runs on linux
	function is_really_writable(string $file): bool
		// If we're on a Unix server with safe_mode off we call is_writable
		if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '/' || ! ini_get('safe_mode'))
			return is_writable($file);

		/* For Windows servers and safe_mode "on" installations we'll actually
		 * write a file then read it. Bah...
		if (is_dir($file))
			$file = rtrim($file, '/') . '/' . bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
			if (($fp = @fopen($file, 'ab')) === false)
				return false;

			@chmod($file, 0777);

			return true;
		elseif (! is_file($file) || ( $fp = @fopen($file, 'ab')) === false)
			return false;


		return true;


if (! function_exists('slash_item'))
	//Unlike CI3, this function is placed here because
	//it's not a config, or part of a config.
	 * Fetch a config file item with slash appended (if not empty)
	 * @param string $item Config item name
	 * @return string|null The configuration item or NULL if
	 * the item doesn't exist
	function slash_item(string $item): ?string
		$config     = config(App::class);
		$configItem = $config->{$item};

		if (! isset($configItem) || empty(trim($configItem)))
			return $configItem;

		return rtrim($configItem, '/') . '/';

if (! function_exists('function_usable'))
	 * Function usable
	 * Executes a function_exists() check, and if the Suhosin PHP
	 * extension is loaded - checks whether the function that is
	 * checked might be disabled in there as well.
	 * This is useful as function_exists() will return FALSE for
	 * functions disabled via the *disable_functions* php.ini
	 * setting, but not for *suhosin.executor.func.blacklist* and
	 * *suhosin.executor.disable_eval*. These settings will just
	 * terminate script execution if a disabled function is executed.
	 * The above described behavior turned out to be a bug in Suhosin,
	 * but even though a fix was committed for 0.9.34 on 2012-02-12,
	 * that version is yet to be released. This function will therefore
	 * be just temporary, but would probably be kept for a few years.
	 * @link
	 * @param  string $function_name Function to check for
	 * @return boolean    TRUE if the function exists and is safe to call,
	 *             FALSE otherwise.
	 * @codeCoverageIgnore This is too exotic
	function function_usable(string $function_name): bool
		static $_suhosin_func_blacklist;

		if (function_exists($function_name))
			if (! isset($_suhosin_func_blacklist))
				$_suhosin_func_blacklist = extension_loaded('suhosin') ? explode(',', trim(ini_get('suhosin.executor.func.blacklist'))) : [];

			return ! in_array($function_name, $_suhosin_func_blacklist, true);

		return false;


if (! function_exists('dd'))
	 * Prints a Kint debug report and exits.
	 * @param array ...$vars
	 * @codeCoverageIgnore Can't be tested ... exits
	function dd(...$vars)