framework / system / Images / Handlers / ImageMagickHandler.php
@MGatner MGatner on 6 Jun 2021 13 KB Release v4.1.3

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Images\Handlers;

use CodeIgniter\Images\Exceptions\ImageException;
use Config\Images;
use Exception;
use Imagick;

 * Class ImageMagickHandler
 * To make this library as compatible as possible with the broadest
 * number of installations, we do not use the Imagick extension,
 * but simply use the command line version.
 * hmm - the width & height accessors at the end use the imagick extension.
 * FIXME - This needs conversion & unit testing, to use the imagick extension
class ImageMagickHandler extends BaseHandler
	 * Stores image resource in memory.
	 * @var string|null
	protected $resource;


	 * Constructor.
	 * @param  Images $config
	 * @throws ImageException
	public function __construct($config = null)

		// We should never see this, so can't test it
		// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
		if (! (extension_loaded('imagick') || class_exists('Imagick')))
			throw ImageException::forMissingExtension('IMAGICK');
		// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd


	 * Handles the actual resizing of the image.
	 * @param boolean $maintainRatio
	 * @return ImageMagickHandler
	 * @throws Exception
	public function _resize(bool $maintainRatio = false)
		$source      = ! empty($this->resource) ? $this->resource : $this->image()->getPathname();
		$destination = $this->getResourcePath();

		$escape = '\\';
		if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0)
			$escape = '';

		$action = $maintainRatio === true
			? ' -resize ' . ($this->width ?? 0) . 'x' . ($this->height ?? 0) . ' "' . $source . '" "' . $destination . '"'
			: ' -resize ' . ($this->width ?? 0) . 'x' . ($this->height ?? 0) . "{$escape}! \"" . $source . '" "' . $destination . '"';


		return $this;


	 * Crops the image.
	 * @return boolean|\CodeIgniter\Images\Handlers\ImageMagickHandler
	 * @throws Exception
	public function _crop()
		$source      = ! empty($this->resource) ? $this->resource : $this->image()->getPathname();
		$destination = $this->getResourcePath();

		$extent = ' ';
		if ($this->xAxis >= $this->width || $this->yAxis > $this->height)
			$extent = ' -background transparent -extent ' . ($this->width ?? 0) . 'x' . ($this->height ?? 0) . ' ';

		$action = ' -crop ' . ($this->width ?? 0) . 'x' . ($this->height ?? 0) . '+' . ($this->xAxis ?? 0) . '+' . ($this->yAxis ?? 0) . $extent . escapeshellarg($source) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($destination);


		return $this;


	 * Handles the rotation of an image resource.
	 * Doesn't save the image, but replaces the current resource.
	 * @param integer $angle
	 * @return $this
	 * @throws Exception
	protected function _rotate(int $angle)
		$angle = '-rotate ' . $angle;

		$source      = ! empty($this->resource) ? $this->resource : $this->image()->getPathname();
		$destination = $this->getResourcePath();

		$action = ' ' . $angle . ' ' . escapeshellarg($source) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($destination);


		return $this;


	 * Flattens transparencies, default white background
	 * @param integer $red
	 * @param integer $green
	 * @param integer $blue
	 * @return $this
	 * @throws Exception
	public function _flatten(int $red = 255, int $green = 255, int $blue = 255)
		$flatten = "-background 'rgb({$red},{$green},{$blue})' -flatten";

		$source      = ! empty($this->resource) ? $this->resource : $this->image()->getPathname();
		$destination = $this->getResourcePath();

		$action = ' ' . $flatten . ' ' . escapeshellarg($source) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($destination);


		return $this;


	 * Flips an image along it's vertical or horizontal axis.
	 * @param string $direction
	 * @return $this
	 * @throws Exception
	public function _flip(string $direction)
		$angle = $direction === 'horizontal' ? '-flop' : '-flip';

		$source      = ! empty($this->resource) ? $this->resource : $this->image()->getPathname();
		$destination = $this->getResourcePath();

		$action = ' ' . $angle . ' ' . escapeshellarg($source) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($destination);


		return $this;


	 * Get driver version
	 * @return string
	public function getVersion(): string
		$result = $this->process('-version');

		// The first line has the version in it...
		preg_match('/(ImageMagick\s[\S]+)/', $result[0], $matches);

		return str_replace('ImageMagick ', '', $matches[0]);


	 * Handles all of the grunt work of resizing, etc.
	 * @param string  $action
	 * @param integer $quality
	 * @return array  Lines of output from shell command
	 * @throws Exception
	protected function process(string $action, int $quality = 100): array
		// Do we have a vaild library path?
		if (empty($this->config->libraryPath))
			throw ImageException::forInvalidImageLibraryPath($this->config->libraryPath);

		if ($action !== '-version')

		if (! preg_match('/convert$/i', $this->config->libraryPath))
			$this->config->libraryPath = rtrim($this->config->libraryPath, '/') . '/convert';

		$cmd  = $this->config->libraryPath;
		$cmd .= $action === '-version' ? ' ' . $action : ' -quality ' . $quality . ' ' . $action;

		$retval = 1;
		$output = [];
		// exec() might be disabled
		if (function_usable('exec'))
			@exec($cmd, $output, $retval);

		// Did it work?
		if ($retval > 0)
			throw ImageException::forImageProcessFailed();

		return $output;


	 * Saves any changes that have been made to file. If no new filename is
	 * provided, the existing image is overwritten, otherwise a copy of the
	 * file is made at $target.
	 * Example:
	 *    $image->resize(100, 200, true)
	 *          ->save();
	 * @param string|null $target
	 * @param integer     $quality
	 * @return boolean
	public function save(string $target = null, int $quality = 90): bool
		$original = $target;
		$target   = empty($target) ? $this->image()->getPathname() : $target;

		// If no new resource has been created, then we're
		// simply copy the existing one.
		if (empty($this->resource) && $quality === 100)
			if ($original === null)
				return true;

			$name = basename($target);
			$path = pathinfo($target, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);

			return $this->image()->copy($path, $name);


		// Copy the file through ImageMagick so that it has
		// a chance to convert file format.
		$action = escapeshellarg($this->resource) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($target);

		$result = $this->process($action, $quality);


		return true;


	 * Get Image Resource
	 * This simply creates an image resource handle
	 * based on the type of image being processed.
	 * Since ImageMagick is used on the cli, we need to
	 * ensure we have a temporary file on the server
	 * that we can use.
	 * To ensure we can use all features, like transparency,
	 * during the process, we'll use a PNG as the temp file type.
	 * @return string
	 * @throws Exception
	protected function getResourcePath()
		if (! is_null($this->resource))
			return $this->resource;

		$this->resource = WRITEPATH . 'cache/' . time() . '_' . bin2hex(random_bytes(10)) . '.png';

		$name = basename($this->resource);
		$path = pathinfo($this->resource, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);

		$this->image()->copy($path, $name);

		return $this->resource;


	 * Make the image resource object if needed
	 * @throws Exception
	protected function ensureResource()


	 * Check if given image format is supported
	 * @throws ImageException
	protected function supportedFormatCheck()
		switch ($this->image()->imageType)
				if (! in_array('WEBP', Imagick::queryFormats(), true))
					throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('images.webpNotSupported'));


	 * Handler-specific method for overlaying text on an image.
	 * @param string $text
	 * @param array  $options
	 * @throws Exception
	protected function _text(string $text, array $options = [])
		$cmd = '';

		// Reverse the vertical offset
		// When the image is positioned at the bottom
		// we don't want the vertical offset to push it
		// further down. We want the reverse, so we'll
		// invert the offset. Note: The horizontal
		// offset flips itself automatically
		if ($options['vAlign'] === 'bottom')
			$options['vOffset'] = $options['vOffset'] * -1;

		if ($options['hAlign'] === 'right')
			$options['hOffset'] = $options['hOffset'] * -1;

		// Font
		if (! empty($options['fontPath']))
			$cmd .= " -font '{$options['fontPath']}'";

		if (isset($options['hAlign']) && isset($options['vAlign']))
			switch ($options['hAlign'])
				case 'left':
					$xAxis   = $options['hOffset'] + $options['padding'];
					$yAxis   = $options['vOffset'] + $options['padding'];
					$gravity = $options['vAlign'] === 'top' ? 'NorthWest' : 'West';
					if ($options['vAlign'] === 'bottom')
						$gravity = 'SouthWest';
						$yAxis   = $options['vOffset'] - $options['padding'];
				case 'center':
					$xAxis   = $options['hOffset'] + $options['padding'];
					$yAxis   = $options['vOffset'] + $options['padding'];
					$gravity = $options['vAlign'] === 'top' ? 'North' : 'Center';
					if ($options['vAlign'] === 'bottom')
						$yAxis   = $options['vOffset'] - $options['padding'];
						$gravity = 'South';
				case 'right':
					$xAxis   = $options['hOffset'] - $options['padding'];
					$yAxis   = $options['vOffset'] + $options['padding'];
					$gravity = $options['vAlign'] === 'top' ? 'NorthEast' : 'East';
					if ($options['vAlign'] === 'bottom')
						$gravity = 'SouthEast';
						$yAxis   = $options['vOffset'] - $options['padding'];

			$xAxis = $xAxis >= 0 ? '+' . $xAxis : $xAxis; // @phpstan-ignore-line
			$yAxis = $yAxis >= 0 ? '+' . $yAxis : $yAxis; // @phpstan-ignore-line

			$cmd .= " -gravity {$gravity} -geometry {$xAxis}{$yAxis}"; // @phpstan-ignore-line

		// Color
		if (isset($options['color']))
			[$r, $g, $b] = sscanf("#{$options['color']}", '#%02x%02x%02x');

			$cmd .= " -fill 'rgba({$r},{$g},{$b},{$options['opacity']})'";

		// Font Size - use points....
		if (isset($options['fontSize']))
			$cmd .= " -pointsize {$options['fontSize']}";

		// Text
		$cmd .= " -annotate 0 '{$text}'";

		$source      = ! empty($this->resource) ? $this->resource : $this->image()->getPathname();
		$destination = $this->getResourcePath();

		$cmd = " '{$source}' {$cmd} '{$destination}'";



	 * Return the width of an image.
	 * @return integer
	public function _getWidth()
		return imagesx(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($this->resource)));

	 * Return the height of an image.
	 * @return integer
	public function _getHeight()
		return imagesy(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($this->resource)));


	 * Reads the EXIF information from the image and modifies the orientation
	 * so that displays correctly in the browser. This is especially an issue
	 * with images taken by smartphones who always store the image up-right,
	 * but set the orientation flag to display it correctly.
	 * @param boolean $silent If true, will ignore exceptions when PHP doesn't support EXIF.
	 * @return $this
	public function reorient(bool $silent = false)
		$orientation = $this->getEXIF('Orientation', $silent);

		switch ($orientation)
			case 2:
				return $this->flip('horizontal');
			case 3:
				return $this->rotate(180);
			case 4:
				return $this->rotate(180)
			case 5:
				return $this->rotate(90)
			case 6:
				return $this->rotate(90);
			case 7:
				return $this->rotate(270)
			case 8:
				return $this->rotate(270);
				return $this;