framework / system / Filters / Filters.php
@MGatner MGatner on 18 May 2021 12 KB Release v4.1.2

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Filters;

use CodeIgniter\Filters\Exceptions\FilterException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use Config\Filters as FiltersConfig;
use Config\Modules;
use Config\Services;

 * Filters
class Filters
	 * The original config file
	 * @var FiltersConfig
	protected $config;

	 * The active IncomingRequest or CLIRequest
	 * @var RequestInterface
	protected $request;

	 * The active Response instance
	 * @var ResponseInterface
	protected $response;

	 * Handle to the modules config.
	 * @var Modules
	protected $modules;

	 * Whether we've done initial processing
	 * on the filter lists.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $initialized = false;

	 * The processed filters that will
	 * be used to check against.
	 * @var array
	protected $filters = [
		'before' => [],
		'after'  => [],

	 * The collection of filters' class names that will
	 * be used to execute in each position.
	 * @var array
	protected $filtersClass = [
		'before' => [],
		'after'  => [],

	 * Any arguments to be passed to filters.
	 * @var array
	protected $arguments = [];

	 * Any arguments to be passed to filtersClass.
	 * @var array
	protected $argumentsClass = [];

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param FiltersConfig     $config
	 * @param RequestInterface  $request
	 * @param ResponseInterface $response
	 * @param Modules|null      $modules
	public function __construct($config, RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, Modules $modules = null)
		$this->config  = $config;
		$this->request = &$request;

		$this->modules = $modules ?? config('Modules');

	 * If discoverFilters is enabled in Config then system will try to
	 * auto-discover custom filters files in Namespaces and allow access to
	 * the config object via the variable $customfilters as with the routes file
	 * Sample :
	 * $filters->aliases['custom-auth'] = \Acme\Blob\Filters\BlobAuth::class;
	private function discoverFilters()
		$locator = Services::locator();

		// for access by custom filters
		$filters = $this->config;

		$files = $locator->search('Config/Filters.php');

		foreach ($files as $file)
			$className = $locator->getClassname($file);

			// Don't include our main Filter config again...
			if ($className === 'Config\\Filters')

			include $file;

	 * Set the response explicity.
	 * @param ResponseInterface $response
	public function setResponse(ResponseInterface $response)
		$this->response = &$response;

	 * Runs through all of the filters for the specified
	 * uri and position.
	 * @param string $uri
	 * @param string $position
	 * @return RequestInterface|ResponseInterface|mixed
	 * @throws FilterException
	public function run(string $uri, string $position = 'before')

		foreach ($this->filtersClass[$position] as $className)
			$class = new $className();

			if (! $class instanceof FilterInterface)
				throw FilterException::forIncorrectInterface(get_class($class));

			if ($position === 'before')
				$result = $class->before($this->request, $this->argumentsClass[$className] ?? null);

				if ($result instanceof RequestInterface)
					$this->request = $result;

				// If the response object was sent back,
				// then send it and quit.
				if ($result instanceof ResponseInterface)
					// short circuit - bypass any other filters
					return $result;
				// Ignore an empty result
				if (empty($result))

				return $result;

			if ($position === 'after')
				$result = $class->after($this->request, $this->response, $this->argumentsClass[$className] ?? null);

				if ($result instanceof ResponseInterface)
					$this->response = $result;


		return $position === 'before' ? $this->request : $this->response;

	 * Runs through our list of filters provided by the configuration
	 * object to get them ready for use, including getting uri masks
	 * to proper regex, removing those we can from the possibilities
	 * based on HTTP method, etc.
	 * The resulting $this->filters is an array of only filters
	 * that should be applied to this request.
	 * We go ahead an process the entire tree because we'll need to
	 * run through both a before and after and don't want to double
	 * process the rows.
	 * @param string $uri
	 * @return Filters
	public function initialize(string $uri = null)
		if ($this->initialized === true)
			return $this;

		if ($this->modules->shouldDiscover('filters'))


		// Set the toolbar filter to the last position to be executed
		if (in_array('toolbar', $this->filters['after'], true) &&
			($count = count($this->filters['after'])) > 1 &&
			$this->filters['after'][$count - 1] !== 'toolbar'
			array_splice($this->filters['after'], array_search('toolbar', $this->filters['after'], true), 1);
			$this->filters['after'][] = 'toolbar';


		$this->initialized = true;

		return $this;

	 * Restores instance to its pre-initialized state.
	 * Most useful for testing so the service can be
	 * re-initialized to a different path.
	 * @return $this
	public function reset(): self
		$this->initialized = false;
		$this->arguments   = $this->argumentsClass = [];
		$this->filters     = $this->filtersClass = [
			'before' => [],
			'after'  => [],

		return $this;

	 * Returns the processed filters array.
	 * @return array
	public function getFilters(): array
		return $this->filters;

	 * Returns the filtersClass array.
	 * @return array
	public function getFiltersClass(): array
		return $this->filtersClass;

	 * Adds a new alias to the config file.
	 * MUST be called prior to initialize();
	 * Intended for use within routes files.
	 * @param string      $class
	 * @param string|null $alias
	 * @param string      $when
	 * @param string      $section
	 * @return $this
	public function addFilter(string $class, string $alias = null, string $when = 'before', string $section = 'globals')
		$alias = $alias ?? md5($class);

		if (! isset($this->config->{$section}))
			$this->config->{$section} = [];

		if (! isset($this->config->{$section}[$when]))
			$this->config->{$section}[$when] = [];

		$this->config->aliases[$alias] = $class;

		$this->config->{$section}[$when][] = $alias;

		return $this;

	 * Ensures that a specific filter is on and enabled for the current request.
	 * Filters can have "arguments". This is done by placing a colon immediately
	 * after the filter name, followed by a comma-separated list of arguments that
	 * are passed to the filter when executed.
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param string $when
	 * @return Filters
	public function enableFilter(string $name, string $when = 'before')
		// Get parameters and clean name
		if (strpos($name, ':') !== false)
			list($name, $params) = explode(':', $name);

			$params = explode(',', $params);
			array_walk($params, function (&$item) {
				$item = trim($item);

			$this->arguments[$name] = $params;

		if (! array_key_exists($name, $this->config->aliases))
			throw FilterException::forNoAlias($name);

		$classNames = (array) $this->config->aliases[$name];

		foreach ($classNames as $className)
			$this->argumentsClass[$className] = $this->arguments[$name] ?? null;

		if (! isset($this->filters[$when][$name]))
			$this->filters[$when][]    = $name;
			$this->filtersClass[$when] = array_merge($this->filtersClass[$when], $classNames);

		return $this;

	 * Returns the arguments for a specified key, or all.
	 * @param string|null $key
	 * @return mixed
	public function getArguments(string $key = null)
		return is_null($key) ? $this->arguments : $this->arguments[$key];

	// Processors

	 * Add any applicable (not excluded) global filter settings to the mix.
	 * @param string $uri
	 * @return void
	protected function processGlobals(string $uri = null)
		if (! isset($this->config->globals) || ! is_array($this->config->globals))

		$uri = strtolower(trim($uri, '/ '));

		// Add any global filters, unless they are excluded for this URI
		$sets = [

		foreach ($sets as $set)
			if (isset($this->config->globals[$set]))
				// look at each alias in the group
				foreach ($this->config->globals[$set] as $alias => $rules)
					$keep = true;
					if (is_array($rules))
						// see if it should be excluded
						if (isset($rules['except']))
							// grab the exclusion rules
							$check = $rules['except'];
							if ($this->pathApplies($uri, $check))
								$keep = false;
						$alias = $rules; // simple name of filter to apply

					if ($keep)
						$this->filters[$set][] = $alias;

	 * Add any method-specific filters to the mix.
	 * @return void
	protected function processMethods()
		if (! isset($this->config->methods) || ! is_array($this->config->methods))

		// Request method won't be set for CLI-based requests
		$method = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? 'cli');

		if (array_key_exists($method, $this->config->methods))
			$this->filters['before'] = array_merge($this->filters['before'], $this->config->methods[$method]);

	 * Add any applicable configured filters to the mix.
	 * @param string $uri
	 * @return void
	protected function processFilters(string $uri = null)
		if (! isset($this->config->filters) || ! $this->config->filters)

		$uri = strtolower(trim($uri, '/ '));

		// Add any filters that apply to this URI
		foreach ($this->config->filters as $alias => $settings)
			// Look for inclusion rules
			if (isset($settings['before']))
				$path = $settings['before'];
				if ($this->pathApplies($uri, $path))
					$this->filters['before'][] = $alias;

			if (isset($settings['after']))
				$path = $settings['after'];
				if ($this->pathApplies($uri, $path))
					$this->filters['after'][] = $alias;

	 * Maps filter aliases to the equivalent filter classes
	 * @param  string $position
	 * @throws FilterException
	 * @return void
	protected function processAliasesToClass(string $position)
		foreach ($this->filters[$position] as $alias => $rules)
			if (is_numeric($alias) && is_string($rules))
				$alias = $rules;

			if (! array_key_exists($alias, $this->config->aliases))
				throw FilterException::forNoAlias($alias);

			if (is_array($this->config->aliases[$alias]))
				$this->filtersClass[$position] = array_merge($this->filtersClass[$position], $this->config->aliases[$alias]);
				$this->filtersClass[$position][] = $this->config->aliases[$alias];

		// when using enableFilter() we already write the class name in ->filtersClass as well as the
		// alias in ->filters. This leads to duplicates when using route filters.
		// Since some filters like rate limiters rely on being executed once a request we filter em here.
		$this->filtersClass[$position] = array_unique($this->filtersClass[$position]);

	 * Check paths for match for URI
	 * @param string $uri   URI to test against
	 * @param mixed  $paths The path patterns to test
	 * @return boolean True if any of the paths apply to the URI
	private function pathApplies(string $uri, $paths)
		// empty path matches all
		if (empty($paths))
			return true;

		// make sure the paths are iterable
		if (is_string($paths))
			$paths = [$paths];

		// treat each paths as pseudo-regex
		foreach ($paths as $path)
			// need to escape path separators
			$path = str_replace('/', '\/', trim($path, '/ '));
			// need to make pseudo wildcard real
			$path = strtolower(str_replace('*', '.*', $path));
			// Does this rule apply here?
			if (preg_match('#^' . $path . '$#', $uri, $match) === 1)
				return true;

		return false;