<?php /** * Email language strings. * * @package CodeIgniter * @author CodeIgniter Dev Team * @copyright 2014-2018 British Columbia Institute of Technology (https://bcit.ca/) * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License * @link https://codeigniter.com * @since Version 3.0.0 * @filesource * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ return [ 'mustBeArray' => 'The email validation method must be passed an array.', 'invalidAddress' => 'Invalid email address: {0}', 'attachmentMissing' => 'Unable to locate the following email attachment: {0}', 'attachmentUnreadable' => 'Unable to open this attachment: {0}', 'noFrom' => 'Cannot send mail with no "From" header.', 'noRecipients' => 'You must include recipients: To, Cc, or Bcc', 'sendFailurePHPMail' => 'Unable to send email using PHP mail(). Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.', 'sendFailureSendmail' => 'Unable to send email using PHP Sendmail. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.', 'sendFailureSmtp' => 'Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.', 'sent' => 'Your message has been successfully sent using the following protocol: {0, string}', 'noSocket' => 'Unable to open a socket to Sendmail. Please check settings.', 'noHostname' => 'You did not specify a SMTP hostname.', 'SMTPError' => 'The following SMTP error was encountered: {0}', 'noSMTPAuth' => 'Error: You must assign a SMTP username and password.', 'failedSMTPLogin' => 'Failed to send AUTH LOGIN command. Error: {0}', 'SMTPAuthUsername' => 'Failed to authenticate username. Error: {0}', 'SMTPAuthPassword' => 'Failed to authenticate password. Error: {0}', 'SMTPDataFailure' => 'Unable to send data: {0}', 'exitStatus' => 'Exit status code: {0}', ];