framework / system / Model.php
@MGatner MGatner on 1 Feb 2021 21 KB Release v4.0.5

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter;

use BadMethodCallException;
use Closure;
use CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder;
use CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection;
use CodeIgniter\Database\BaseResult;
use CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DatabaseException;
use CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DataException;
use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\ModelException;
use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time;
use CodeIgniter\Validation\ValidationInterface;
use Config\Database;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use ReflectionProperty;

 * Class Model
 * The Model class extends BaseModel and provides additional
 * convenient features that makes working with a SQL database
 * table less painful.
 * It will:
 *      - automatically connect to database
 *      - allow intermingling calls to the builder
 *      - removes the need to use Result object directly in most cases
 * @property ConnectionInterface $db
 * @mixin BaseBuilder
class Model extends BaseModel
	// region Properties

	 * Name of database table
	 * @var string
	protected $table;

	 * The table's primary key.
	 * @var string
	protected $primaryKey = 'id';

	 * Whether primary key uses auto increment.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $useAutoIncrement = true;

	 * Query Builder object
	 * @var BaseBuilder|null
	protected $builder;

	 * Holds information passed in via 'set'
	 * so that we can capture it (not the builder)
	 * and ensure it gets validated first.
	 * @var array
	protected $tempData = [];

	 * Escape array that maps usage of escape
	 * flag for every parameter.
	 * @var array
	protected $escape = [];

	// endregion

	// region Constructor

	 * Model constructor.
	 * @param ConnectionInterface|null $db         DB Connection
	 * @param ValidationInterface|null $validation Validation
	public function __construct(ConnectionInterface &$db = null, ValidationInterface $validation = null)

		if (is_null($db))
			$this->db = Database::connect($this->DBGroup);
			$this->db = &$db;

	// endregion

	// region Setters

	 * Specify the table associated with a model
	 * @param string $table Table
	 * @return $this
	public function setTable(string $table)
		$this->table = $table;

		return $this;

	// endregion

	// region Database Methods

	 * Fetches the row of database from $this->table with a primary key
	 * matching $id. This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param boolean                   $singleton Single or multiple results
	 * @param array|integer|string|null $id        One primary key or an array of primary keys
	 * @return array|object|null    The resulting row of data, or null.
	protected function doFind(bool $singleton, $id = null)
		$builder = $this->builder();

		if ($this->tempUseSoftDeletes)
			$builder->where($this->table . '.' . $this->deletedField, null);

		if (is_array($id))
			$row = $builder->whereIn($this->table . '.' . $this->primaryKey, $id)
		elseif ($singleton)
			$row = $builder->where($this->table . '.' . $this->primaryKey, $id)
			$row = $builder->get()->getResult($this->tempReturnType);

		return $row;

	 * Fetches the column of database from $this->table
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param string $columnName Column Name
	 * @return array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found.
	protected function doFindColumn(string $columnName)
		return $this->select($columnName)->asArray()->find();

	 * Works with the current Query Builder instance to return
	 * all results, while optionally limiting them.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param integer $limit  Limit
	 * @param integer $offset Offset
	 * @return array
	protected function doFindAll(int $limit = 0, int $offset = 0)
		$builder = $this->builder();

		if ($this->tempUseSoftDeletes)
			$builder->where($this->table . '.' . $this->deletedField, null);

		return $builder->limit($limit, $offset)

	 * Returns the first row of the result set. Will take any previous
	 * Query Builder calls into account when determining the result set.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @return array|object|null
	protected function doFirst()
		$builder = $this->builder();

		if ($this->tempUseSoftDeletes)
			$builder->where($this->table . '.' . $this->deletedField, null);
			if ($this->useSoftDeletes && empty($builder->QBGroupBy) && $this->primaryKey)
				$builder->groupBy($this->table . '.' . $this->primaryKey);

		// Some databases, like PostgreSQL, need order
		// information to consistently return correct results.
		if ($builder->QBGroupBy && empty($builder->QBOrderBy) && $this->primaryKey)
			$builder->orderBy($this->table . '.' . $this->primaryKey, 'asc');

		return $builder->limit(1, 0)->get()->getFirstRow($this->tempReturnType);

	 * Inserts data into the current table.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param array $data Data
	 * @return BaseResult|integer|string|false
	protected function doInsert(array $data)
		$escape       = $this->escape;
		$this->escape = [];

		// Require non empty primaryKey when
		// not using auto-increment feature
		if (! $this->useAutoIncrement && empty($data[$this->primaryKey]))
			throw DataException::forEmptyPrimaryKey('insert');

		$builder = $this->builder();

		// Must use the set() method to ensure to set the correct escape flag
		foreach ($data as $key => $val)
			$builder->set($key, $val, $escape[$key] ?? null);

		$result = $builder->insert();

		// If insertion succeeded then save the insert ID
		if ($result->resultID)
			if (! $this->useAutoIncrement)
				$this->insertID = $data[$this->primaryKey];
				// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
				$this->insertID = $this->db->insertID();

		return $result;

	 * Compiles batch insert strings and runs the queries, validating each row prior.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param array|null   $set       An associative array of insert values
	 * @param boolean|null $escape    Whether to escape values and identifiers
	 * @param integer      $batchSize The size of the batch to run
	 * @param boolean      $testing   True means only number of records is returned, false will execute the query
	 * @return integer|boolean Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure
	protected function doInsertBatch(?array $set = null, ?bool $escape = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $testing = false)
		if (is_array($set))
			foreach ($set as $row)
				// Require non empty primaryKey when
				// not using auto-increment feature
				if (! $this->useAutoIncrement && empty($row[$this->primaryKey]))
					throw DataException::forEmptyPrimaryKey('insertBatch');

		return $this->builder()->testMode($testing)->insertBatch($set, $escape, $batchSize);

	 * Updates a single record in $this->table.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param integer|array|string|null $id   ID
	 * @param array|null                $data Data
	 * @return boolean
	protected function doUpdate($id = null, $data = null): bool
		$escape       = $this->escape;
		$this->escape = [];

		$builder = $this->builder();

		if ($id)
			$builder = $builder->whereIn($this->table . '.' . $this->primaryKey, $id);

		// Must use the set() method to ensure to set the correct escape flag
		foreach ($data as $key => $val)
			$builder->set($key, $val, $escape[$key] ?? null);

		return $builder->update();

	 * Compiles an update string and runs the query
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param array|null  $set       An associative array of update values
	 * @param string|null $index     The where key
	 * @param integer     $batchSize The size of the batch to run
	 * @param boolean     $returnSQL True means SQL is returned, false will execute the query
	 * @return mixed    Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure
	 * @throws DatabaseException
	protected function doUpdateBatch(array $set = null, string $index = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $returnSQL = false)
		return $this->builder()->testMode($returnSQL)->updateBatch($set, $index, $batchSize);

	 * Deletes a single record from $this->table where $id matches
	 * the table's primaryKey
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param integer|string|array|null $id    The rows primary key(s)
	 * @param boolean                   $purge Allows overriding the soft deletes setting.
	 * @return BaseResult|boolean
	 * @throws DatabaseException
	protected function doDelete($id = null, bool $purge = false)
		$builder = $this->builder();

		if ($id)
			$builder = $builder->whereIn($this->primaryKey, $id);

		if ($this->useSoftDeletes && ! $purge)
			if (empty($builder->getCompiledQBWhere()))
				if (CI_DEBUG)
					throw new DatabaseException(
						'Deletes are not allowed unless they contain a "where" or "like" clause.'

				// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
				return false;
				// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

			$set[$this->deletedField] = $this->setDate();

			if ($this->useTimestamps && $this->updatedField)
				$set[$this->updatedField] = $this->setDate();

			$result = $builder->update($set);
			$result = $builder->delete();

		return $result;

	 * Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted
	 * through soft deletes (deleted = 1)
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @return boolean|mixed
	protected function doPurgeDeleted()
		return $this->builder()
			->where($this->table . '.' . $this->deletedField . ' IS NOT NULL')

	 * Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that
	 * have been deleted.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @return void
	protected function doOnlyDeleted()
		$this->builder()->where($this->table . '.' . $this->deletedField . ' IS NOT NULL');

	 * Compiles a replace into string and runs the query
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param array|null $data      Data
	 * @param boolean    $returnSQL Set to true to return Query String
	 * @return mixed
	protected function doReplace(array $data = null, bool $returnSQL = false)
		return $this->builder()->testMode($returnSQL)->replace($data);

	 * Grabs the last error(s) that occurred from the Database connection.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @return array|null
	protected function doErrors()
		return $this->db->error();

	 * Returns the id value for the data array or object
	 * @param array|object $data Data
	 * @return integer|array|string|null
	protected function idValue($data)
		if (is_object($data) && isset($data->{$this->primaryKey}))
			return $data->{$this->primaryKey};

		if (is_array($data) && ! empty($data[$this->primaryKey]))
			return $data[$this->primaryKey];

		return null;

	 * Loops over records in batches, allowing you to operate on them.
	 * Works with $this->builder to get the Compiled select to
	 * determine the rows to operate on.
	 * This methods works only with dbCalls
	 * @param integer $size     Size
	 * @param Closure $userFunc Callback Function
	 * @return void
	 * @throws DataException
	public function chunk(int $size, Closure $userFunc)
		$total  = $this->builder()->countAllResults(false);
		$offset = 0;

		while ($offset <= $total)
			$builder = clone $this->builder();
			$rows    = $builder->get($size, $offset);

			if (! $rows)
				throw DataException::forEmptyDataset('chunk');

			$rows = $rows->getResult($this->tempReturnType);

			$offset += $size;

			if (empty($rows))

			foreach ($rows as $row)
				if ($userFunc($row) === false)

	 * Override countAllResults to account for soft deleted accounts.
	 * @param boolean $reset Reset
	 * @param boolean $test  Test
	 * @return mixed
	public function countAllResults(bool $reset = true, bool $test = false)
		if ($this->tempUseSoftDeletes)
			$this->builder()->where($this->table . '.' . $this->deletedField, null);

		// When $reset === false, the $tempUseSoftDeletes will be
		// dependant on $useSoftDeletes value because we don't
		// want to add the same "where" condition for the second time
		$this->tempUseSoftDeletes = $reset
			? $this->useSoftDeletes
			: ($this->useSoftDeletes ? false : $this->useSoftDeletes);

		return $this->builder()->testMode($test)->countAllResults($reset);

	// endregion

	// region Builder

	 * Provides a shared instance of the Query Builder.
	 * @param string|null $table Table name
	 * @return BaseBuilder
	 * @throws ModelException
	public function builder(?string $table = null)
		// Check for an existing Builder
		if ($this->builder instanceof BaseBuilder)
			// Make sure the requested table matches the builder
			if ($table && $this->builder->getTable() !== $table)
				return $this->db->table($table);

			return $this->builder;

		// We're going to force a primary key to exist
		// so we don't have overly convoluted code,
		// and future features are likely to require them.
		if (empty($this->primaryKey))
			throw ModelException::forNoPrimaryKey(static::class);

		$table = empty($table) ? $this->table : $table;

		// Ensure we have a good db connection
		if (! $this->db instanceof BaseConnection)
			$this->db = Database::connect($this->DBGroup);

		$builder = $this->db->table($table);

		// Only consider it "shared" if the table is correct
		if ($table === $this->table)
			$this->builder = $builder;

		return $builder;

	 * Captures the builder's set() method so that we can validate the
	 * data here. This allows it to be used with any of the other
	 * builder methods and still get validated data, like replace.
	 * @param mixed        $key    Field name, or an array of field/value pairs
	 * @param string|null  $value  Field value, if $key is a single field
	 * @param boolean|null $escape Whether to escape values and identifiers
	 * @return $this
	public function set($key, ?string $value = '', ?bool $escape = null)
		$data = is_array($key) ? $key : [$key => $value];

		foreach ($data as $k => $v)
			$this->tempData['escape'][$k] = $escape;

		$this->tempData['data'] = array_merge($this->tempData['data'] ?? [], $data);

		return $this;

	// endregion

	// region Overrides

	// region CRUD & Finders

	 * This method is called on save to determine if entry have to be updated
	 * If this method return false insert operation will be executed
	 * @param array|object $data Data
	 * @return boolean
	protected function shouldUpdate($data) : bool
		// When useAutoIncrement feature is disabled check
		// in the database if given record already exists
		return parent::shouldUpdate($data) &&
				? true
				: $this->where($this->primaryKey, $this->idValue($data))->countAllResults() === 1

	 * Inserts data into the database. If an object is provided,
	 * it will attempt to convert it to an array.
	 * @param array|object|null $data     Data
	 * @param boolean           $returnID Whether insert ID should be returned or not.
	 * @return BaseResult|object|integer|string|false
	 * @throws ReflectionException
	public function insert($data = null, bool $returnID = true)
		if (! empty($this->tempData['data']))
			if (empty($data))
				$data = $this->tempData['data'] ?? null;
				$data = $this->transformDataToArray($data, 'insert');
				$data = array_merge($this->tempData['data'], $data);

		$this->escape   = $this->tempData['escape'] ?? [];
		$this->tempData = [];

		return parent::insert($data, $returnID);

	 * Updates a single record in the database. If an object is provided,
	 * it will attempt to convert it into an array.
	 * @param integer|array|string|null $id   ID
	 * @param array|object|null         $data Data
	 * @return boolean
	 * @throws ReflectionException
	public function update($id = null, $data = null): bool
		if (! empty($this->tempData['data']))
			if (empty($data))
				$data = $this->tempData['data'] ?? null;
				$data = $this->transformDataToArray($data, 'update');
				$data = array_merge($this->tempData['data'], $data);

		$this->escape   = $this->tempData['escape'] ?? [];
		$this->tempData = [];

		return parent::update($id, $data);

	// endregion

	// region Utility

	 * Takes a class an returns an array of it's public and protected
	 * properties as an array with raw values.
	 * @param string|object $data        Data
	 * @param boolean       $onlyChanged Only Changed Property
	 * @param boolean       $recursive   If true, inner entities will be casted as array as well
	 * @return array|null Array
	 * @throws ReflectionException
	protected function objectToRawArray($data, bool $onlyChanged = true, bool $recursive = false): ?array
		$properties = parent::objectToRawArray($data, $onlyChanged);

		if (method_exists($data, 'toRawArray'))
			// Always grab the primary key otherwise updates will fail.
			if (! empty($properties) && ! empty($this->primaryKey) && ! in_array($this->primaryKey, $properties, true)
				&& ! empty($data->{$this->primaryKey}))
				$properties[$this->primaryKey] = $data->{$this->primaryKey};

		return $properties;

	// endregion

	// region Magic

	 * Provides/instantiates the builder/db connection and model's table/primary key names and return type.
	 * @param string $name Name
	 * @return mixed
	public function __get(string $name)
		if (parent::__isset($name))
			return parent::__get($name);

		if (isset($this->builder()->$name))
			return $this->builder()->$name;

		return null;

	 * Checks for the existence of properties across this model, builder, and db connection.
	 * @param string $name Name
	 * @return boolean
	public function __isset(string $name): bool
		if (parent::__isset($name))
			return true;

		if (isset($this->builder()->$name))
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Provides direct access to method in the builder (if available)
	 * and the database connection.
	 * @param string $name   Name
	 * @param array  $params Params
	 * @return $this|null
	public function __call(string $name, array $params)
		$result = parent::__call($name, $params);

		if ($result === null && method_exists($builder = $this->builder(), $name))
			$result = $builder->{$name}(...$params);

		if (empty($result))
			if (! method_exists($this->builder(), $name))
				$className = static::class;

				throw new BadMethodCallException('Call to undefined method ' . $className . '::' . $name);

			return $result;

		if ($result instanceof BaseBuilder)
			return $this;

		return $result;

	// endregion

	// endregion

	// region Deprecated

	 * Takes a class an returns an array of it's public and protected
	 * properties as an array suitable for use in creates and updates.
	 * @param string|object $data        Data
	 * @param string|null   $primaryKey  Primary Key
	 * @param string        $dateFormat  Date Format
	 * @param boolean       $onlyChanged Only Changed
	 * @return array
	 * @throws ReflectionException
	 * @codeCoverageIgnore
	 * @deprecated since 4.1
	public static function classToArray($data, $primaryKey = null, string $dateFormat = 'datetime', bool $onlyChanged = true): array
		if (method_exists($data, 'toRawArray'))
			$properties = $data->toRawArray($onlyChanged);

			// Always grab the primary key otherwise updates will fail.
			if (! empty($properties) && ! empty($primaryKey) && ! in_array($primaryKey, $properties, true) && ! empty($data->{$primaryKey}))
				$properties[$primaryKey] = $data->{$primaryKey};
			$mirror = new ReflectionClass($data);
			$props  = $mirror->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);

			$properties = [];

			// Loop over each property,
			// saving the name/value in a new array we can return.
			foreach ($props as $prop)
				// Must make protected values accessible.
				$properties[$prop->getName()] = $prop->getValue($data);

		// Convert any Time instances to appropriate $dateFormat
		if ($properties)
			foreach ($properties as $key => $value)
				if ($value instanceof Time)
					switch ($dateFormat)
						case 'datetime':
							$converted = $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
						case 'date':
							$converted = $value->format('Y-m-d');
						case 'int':
							$converted = $value->getTimestamp();
							$converted = (string) $value;

					$properties[$key] = $converted;

		return $properties;

	// endregion
