framework / system / Language / en / Migrations.php
@MGatner MGatner on 1 Feb 2021 2 KB Release v4.0.5

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

// Migration language settings
return [
	// Migration Runner
	'missingTable'      => 'Migrations table must be set.',
	'disabled'          => 'Migrations have been loaded but are disabled or setup incorrectly.',
	'notFound'          => 'Migration file not found: ',
	'batchNotFound'     => 'Target batch not found: ',
	'empty'             => 'No Migration files found',
	'gap'               => 'There is a gap in the migration sequence near version number: ',
	'classNotFound'     => 'The migration class "%s" could not be found.',
	'missingMethod'     => 'The migration class is missing an "%s" method.',

	// Migration Command
	'migHelpLatest'     => "\t\tMigrates database to latest available migration.",
	'migHelpCurrent'    => "\t\tMigrates database to version set as 'current' in configuration.",
	'migHelpVersion'    => "\tMigrates database to version {v}.",
	'migHelpRollback'   => "\tRuns all migrations 'down' to version 0.",
	'migHelpRefresh'    => "\t\tUninstalls and re-runs all migrations to freshen database.",
	'migHelpSeed'       => "\tRuns the seeder named [name].",
	'migCreate'         => "\tCreates a new migration named [name]",
	'nameMigration'     => 'Name the migration file',
	'migNumberError'    => 'Migration number must be three digits, and there must not be any gaps in the sequence.',
	'rollBackConfirm'   => 'Are you sure you want to rollback?',
	'refreshConfirm'    => 'Are you sure you want to refresh?',

	'latest'            => 'Running all new migrations...',
	'generalFault'      => 'Migration failed!',
	'migInvalidVersion' => 'Invalid version number provided.',
	'toVersionPH'       => 'Migrating to version %s...',
	'toVersion'         => 'Migrating to current version...',
	'rollingBack'       => 'Rolling back migrations to batch: ',
	'noneFound'         => 'No migrations were found.',
	'migSeeder'         => 'Seeder name',
	'migMissingSeeder'  => 'You must provide a seeder name.',
	'nameSeeder'        => 'Name the seeder file',
	'removed'           => 'Rolling back: ',
	'added'             => 'Running: ',

	// Migrate Status
	'namespace'         => 'Namespace',
	'filename'          => 'Filename',
	'version'           => 'Version',
	'group'             => 'Group',
	'on'                => 'Migrated On: ',
	'batch'             => 'Batch',