framework / system / Debug / Toolbar / Views / toolbar.tpl.php
@Jim Parry Jim Parry on 15 Dec 2018 10 KB Release 4.0.0-alpha.4
 * @var \CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar $this
 * @var int                        $totalTime
 * @var int                        $totalMemory
 * @var string                     $url
 * @var string                     $method
 * @var bool                       $isAJAX
 * @var int                        $startTime
 * @var int                        $totalTime
 * @var int                        $totalMemory
 * @var float                      $segmentDuration
 * @var int                        $segmentCount
 * @var string                     $CI_VERSION
 * @var array                      $collectors
 * @var array                      $vars
 * @var array                      $styles
 * @var \CodeIgniter\View\Parser   $parser

<style type="text/css">
	<?= preg_replace('#[\r\n\t ]+#', ' ', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/toolbar.css')) ?>

<script id="toolbar_js" type="text/javascript">
	<?= file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/toolbar.js') ?>
<div id="debug-icon" class="debug-bar-ndisplay">
	<a id="debug-icon-link" href="javascript:void(0)">
		<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
			width="155.000000px" height="200.000000px" viewBox="0 0 155.000000 200.000000"
			preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
			<g transform="translate(0.000000,200.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#dd4814" stroke="none">
				<path d="M737 1963 c22 -79 -7 -185 -78 -290 -18 -26 -107 -122 -197 -213
				-239 -240 -336 -371 -403 -544 -79 -206 -78 -408 5 -582 64 -134 212 -264 361
				-314 l60 -20 -30 22 c-210 152 -229 387 -48 588 25 27 48 50 51 50 4 0 7 -27
				7 -61 0 -57 2 -62 37 -95 30 -27 46 -34 78 -34 56 0 99 24 116 65 29 69 16
				120 -50 205 -105 134 -117 233 -43 347 l31 48 7 -47 c13 -82 58 -129 250 -258
				209 -141 306 -261 328 -405 11 -72 -1 -161 -31 -218 -27 -53 -112 -143 -165
				-174 -24 -14 -43 -26 -43 -28 0 -2 24 4 53 14 241 83 427 271 482 486 19 76
				19 202 -1 285 -35 152 -146 305 -299 412 l-70 49 -6 -33 c-8 -48 -26 -76 -59
				-93 -45 -23 -103 -19 -138 10 -67 57 -78 146 -37 305 30 116 32 206 5 291 -27
				89 -104 206 -162 247 -17 13 -18 12 -11 -15z"/>
<div id="debug-bar">
	<div class="toolbar">
		<span id="toolbar-position"><a href="javascript: void(0)">&#8597;</a></span>
		<span class="ci-label">
			<a href="javascript: void(0)" data-tab="ci-timeline">
				<span class="hide-sm"><?= $totalTime ?> ms &nbsp; <?= $totalMemory ?> MB</span>

		<?php foreach ($collectors as $c) : ?>
			<?php if (! $c['isEmpty'] && ($c['hasTabContent'] || $c['hasLabel'])) : ?>
				<span class="ci-label">
					<a href="javascript: void(0)" data-tab="ci-<?= $c['titleSafe'] ?>">
						<img src="<?= $c['icon'] ?>">
						<span class="hide-sm">
							<?= $c['title'] ?>
							<?php if (! is_null($c['badgeValue'])) : ?>
								<span class="badge"><?= $c['badgeValue'] ?></span>
							<?php endif ?>
			<?php endif ?>
		<?php endforeach ?>

		<span class="ci-label">
			<a href="javascript: void(0)" data-tab="ci-vars">
				<span class="hide-sm">Vars</span>

			<span class="ci-label">
				<a href="javascript: void(0)" data-tab="ci-config">
					<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
						width="18.60px" height="24.0px" viewBox="0 0 18.60 28.000000"
						preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
						<g transform="translate(0.000000,28.000000) scale(0.010000,-0.010000)" fill="#dd4814" stroke="none">
							<path d="M737 1963 c22 -79 -7 -185 -78 -290 -18 -26 -107 -122 -197 -213
							-239 -240 -336 -371 -403 -544 -79 -206 -78 -408 5 -582 64 -134 212 -264 361
							-314 l60 -20 -30 22 c-210 152 -229 387 -48 588 25 27 48 50 51 50 4 0 7 -27
							7 -61 0 -57 2 -62 37 -95 30 -27 46 -34 78 -34 56 0 99 24 116 65 29 69 16
							120 -50 205 -105 134 -117 233 -43 347 l31 48 7 -47 c13 -82 58 -129 250 -258
							209 -141 306 -261 328 -405 11 -72 -1 -161 -31 -218 -27 -53 -112 -143 -165
							-174 -24 -14 -43 -26 -43 -28 0 -2 24 4 53 14 241 83 427 271 482 486 19 76
							19 202 -1 285 -35 152 -146 305 -299 412 l-70 49 -6 -33 c-8 -48 -26 -76 -59
							-93 -45 -23 -103 -19 -138 10 -67 57 -78 146 -37 305 30 116 32 206 5 291 -27
							89 -104 206 -162 247 -17 13 -18 12 -11 -15z"/>
					<?= $CI_VERSION ?>

		<!-- Open/Close Toggle -->
		<a id="debug-bar-link" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Open/Close">

	<!-- Timeline -->
	<div id="ci-timeline" class="tab">
		<table class="timeline">
				<th class="debug-bar-width30">NAME</th>
				<th class="debug-bar-width10">COMPONENT</th>
				<th class="debug-bar-width10">DURATION</th>
				<?php for ($i = 0; $i < $segmentCount; $i++) : ?>
					<th><?= $i * $segmentDuration ?> ms</th>
				<?php endfor ?>
			<?= $this->renderTimeline($collectors, $startTime, $segmentCount, $segmentDuration,
				$styles) ?>

	<!-- Collector-provided Tabs -->
	<?php foreach ($collectors as $c) : ?>
		<?php if (! $c['isEmpty']) : ?>
			<?php if ($c['hasTabContent']) : ?>
				<div id="ci-<?= $c['titleSafe'] ?>" class="tab">
					<h2><?= $c['title'] ?> <span><?= $c['titleDetails'] ?></span></h2>

					<?= $parser->setData($c['display'])->render("_{$c['titleSafe']}.tpl") ?>
			<?php endif ?>
		<?php endif ?>
	<?php endforeach ?>

	<!-- In & Out -->
	<div id="ci-vars" class="tab">

		<!-- VarData from Collectors -->
		<?php if (isset($vars['varData'])) : ?>
			<?php foreach ($vars['varData'] as $heading => $items) : ?>

				<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleDataTable('<?= strtolower(str_replace(' ',
					'-', $heading)) ?>'); return false;">
					<h2><?= $heading ?></h2>

				<?php if (is_array($items)) : ?>

					<table id="<?= strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $heading . '_table')) ?>">
						<?php foreach ($items as $key => $value) : ?>
								<td><?= $key ?></td>
								<td><?= $value ?></td>
						<?php endforeach ?>

				<?php else: ?>
					<p class="muted">No data to display.</p>
				<?php endif ?>
			<?php endforeach ?>
		<?php endif ?>

		<!-- Session -->
		<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleDataTable('session'); return false;">
			<h2>Session User Data</h2>

		<?php if (isset($vars['session'])) : ?>
			<?php if (! empty($vars['session'])) : ?>
				<table id="session_table">
					<?php foreach ($vars['session'] as $key => $value) : ?>
							<td><?= $key ?></td>
							<td><?= $value ?></td>
					<?php endforeach ?>
			<?php else : ?>
				<p class="muted">No data to display.</p>
			<?php endif ?>
		<?php else : ?>
			<p class="muted">Session doesn't seem to be active.</p>
		<?php endif ?>

		<h2>Request <span>( <?= $vars['request'] ?> )</span></h2>

		<?php if (isset($vars['get']) && $get = $vars['get']) : ?>
			<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleDataTable('get'); return false;">

			<table id="get_table">
				<?php foreach ($get as $name => $value) : ?>
						<td><?= $name ?></td>
						<td><?= $value ?></td>
				<?php endforeach ?>
		<?php endif ?>

		<?php if (isset($vars['post']) && $post = $vars['post']) : ?>
			<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleDataTable('post'); return false;">

			<table id="post_table">
				<?php foreach ($post as $name => $value) : ?>
						<td><?= $name ?></td>
						<td><?= $value ?></td>
				<?php endforeach ?>
		<?php endif ?>

		<?php if (isset($vars['headers']) && $headers = $vars['headers']) : ?>
			<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleDataTable('request_headers'); return false;">

			<table id="request_headers_table">
				<?php foreach ($headers as $header => $value) : ?>
						<td><?= $header ?></td>
						<td><?= $value ?></td>
				<?php endforeach ?>
		<?php endif ?>

		<?php if (isset($vars['cookies']) && $cookies = $vars['cookies']) : ?>
			<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleDataTable('cookie'); return false;">

			<table id="cookie_table">
				<?php foreach ($cookies as $name => $value) : ?>
						<td><?= $name ?></td>
						<td><?= is_array($value) ? print_r($value, true) : $value ?></td>
				<?php endforeach ?>
		<?php endif ?>

			<span>( <?= $vars['response']['statusCode'] . ' - ' . $vars['response']['reason'] ?> )</span>

		<?php if (isset($vars['headers']) && $headers = $vars['headers']) : ?>
			<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleDataTable('response_headers'); return false;">

			<table id="response_headers_table">
				<?php foreach ($headers as $header => $value) : ?>
						<td><?= $header ?></td>
						<td><?= $value ?></td>
				<?php endforeach ?>
		<?php endif ?>

	<!-- Config Values -->
	<div id="ci-config" class="tab">
		<h2>System Configuration</h2>

		<?= $parser->setData($config)->render('_config.tpl') ?>
<style type="text/css">
	<?php foreach($styles as $name => $style) : ?>
	.<?= $name ?> {
		<?= $style ?>

	<?php endforeach ?>