alert / js / node_modules / flarum / common / components / Alert.d.ts
@Réz István Réz István on 18 Nov 2021 774 bytes first commit
import Component, { ComponentAttrs } from '../Component';
import Mithril from 'mithril';
export interface AlertAttrs extends ComponentAttrs {
    /** The type of alert this is. Will be used to give the alert a class name of `Alert--{type}`. */
    type?: string;
    /** An array of controls to show in the alert. */
    controls?: Mithril.Children;
    /** Whether or not the alert can be dismissed. */
    dismissible?: boolean;
    /** A callback to run when the alert is dismissed */
    ondismiss?: Function;
 * The `Alert` component represents an alert box, which contains a message,
 * some controls, and may be dismissible.
export default class Alert<T extends AlertAttrs = AlertAttrs> extends Component<T> {
    view(vnode: Mithril.Vnode): JSX.Element;