alert / js / node_modules / flarum / forum / resolvers / DiscussionPageResolver.d.ts
@Réz István Réz István on 18 Nov 2021 959 bytes first commit
import DefaultResolver from '../../common/resolvers/DefaultResolver';
 * A custom route resolver for DiscussionPage that generates the same key to all posts
 * on the same discussion. It triggers a scroll when going from one post to another
 * in the same discussion.
export default class DiscussionPageResolver extends DefaultResolver {
    static scrollToPostNumber: string | null;
     * Remove optional parts of a discussion's slug to keep the substring
     * that bijectively maps to a discussion object. By default this just
     * extracts the numerical ID from the slug. If a custom discussion
     * slugging driver is used, this may need to be overriden.
     * @param slug
    canonicalizeDiscussionSlug(slug: string | undefined): string;
     * @inheritdoc
    makeKey(): string;
    onmatch(args: any, requestedPath: any, route: any): import("mithril").Component<{}, {}>;
    render(vnode: any): any[];