alert / js / node_modules / flarum / forum / components / Composer.d.ts
@Réz István Réz István on 18 Nov 2021 3 KB first commit
 * The `Composer` component displays the composer. It can be loaded with a
 * content component with `load` and then its position/state can be altered with
 * `show`, `hide`, `close`, `minimize`, `fullScreen`, and `exitFullScreen`.
export default class Composer extends Component<import("../../common/Component").ComponentAttrs> {
     * The composer's "state".
     * @type {ComposerState}
    state: ComposerState;
     * Whether or not the composer currently has focus.
     * @type {Boolean}
    active: boolean;
    prevPosition: any;
    onupdate(): void;
    handlers: {};
    onremove(): void;
     * Add the necessary event handlers to the composer's handle so that it can
     * be used to resize the composer.
    configHandle(vnode: any): void;
     * Resize the composer according to mouse movement.
     * @param {Event} e
    onmousemove(e: Event): void;
     * Finish resizing the composer when the mouse is released.
    onmouseup(): void;
    handle: any;
     * Draw focus to the first focusable content element (the text editor).
    focus(): void;
     * Update the DOM to reflect the composer's current height. This involves
     * setting the height of the composer's root element, and adjusting the height
     * of any flexible elements inside the composer's body.
    updateHeight(): void;
     * Update the amount of padding-bottom on the body so that the page's
     * content will still be visible above the composer when the page is
     * scrolled right to the bottom.
    updateBodyPadding(): void;
     * Trigger the right animation depending on the desired new position.
    animatePositionChange(): void;
     * Animate the Composer into the new position by changing the height.
    animateHeightChange(): JQuery.Promise<JQuery<any>, any, any>;
     * Show the Composer backdrop.
    showBackdrop(): void;
    $backdrop: JQuery<HTMLElement>;
     * Hide the Composer backdrop.
    hideBackdrop(): void;
     * Animate the composer sliding up from the bottom to take its normal height.
     * @private
    private show;
     * Animate closing the composer.
     * @private
    private hide;
     * Shrink the composer until only its title is visible.
     * @private
    private minimize;
     * Build an item list for the composer's controls.
     * @return {ItemList}
    controlItems(): ItemList;
     * Initialize default Composer height.
    initializeHeight(): void;
     * Default height of the Composer in case none is saved.
     * @returns {Integer}
    defaultHeight(): any;
     * Save a new Composer height and update the DOM.
     * @param {Integer} height
    changeHeight(height: any): void;
import Component from "../../common/Component";
import ComposerState from "../states/ComposerState";
import ItemList from "../../common/utils/ItemList";