framework / system / View / Parser.php
@MGatner MGatner on 1 Feb 2021 20 KB Release v4.0.5

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\View;

use CodeIgniter\View\Exceptions\ViewException;
use Config\View as ViewConfig;
use ParseError;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * Class for parsing pseudo-vars
class Parser extends View
	 * Left delimiter character for pseudo vars
	 * @var string
	public $leftDelimiter = '{';

	 * Right delimiter character for pseudo vars
	 * @var string
	public $rightDelimiter = '}';

	 * Stores extracted noparse blocks.
	 * @var array
	protected $noparseBlocks = [];

	 * Stores any plugins registered at run-time.
	 * @var array
	protected $plugins = [];

	 * Stores the context for each data element
	 * when set by `setData` so the context is respected.
	 * @var array
	protected $dataContexts = [];


	 * Constructor
	 * @param ViewConfig      $config
	 * @param string          $viewPath
	 * @param mixed           $loader
	 * @param boolean         $debug
	 * @param LoggerInterface $logger
	public function __construct(ViewConfig $config, string $viewPath = null, $loader = null, bool $debug = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null)
		// Ensure user plugins override core plugins.
		$this->plugins = $config->plugins ?? [];

		parent::__construct($config, $viewPath, $loader, $debug, $logger);


	 * Parse a template
	 * Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified template view,
	 * replacing them with any data that has already been set.
	 * @param string  $view
	 * @param array   $options
	 * @param boolean $saveData
	 * @return string
	public function render(string $view, array $options = null, bool $saveData = null): string
		$start = microtime(true);
		if (is_null($saveData))
			$saveData = $this->config->saveData;

		$fileExt = pathinfo($view, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
		$view    = empty($fileExt) ? $view . '.php' : $view; // allow Views as .html, .tpl, etc (from CI3)

		// Was it cached?
		if (isset($options['cache']))
			$cacheName = $options['cache_name'] ?? str_replace('.php', '', $view);

			if ($output = cache($cacheName))
				$this->logPerformance($start, microtime(true), $view);
				return $output;

		$file = $this->viewPath . $view;

		if (! is_file($file))
			$fileOrig = $file;
			$file     = $this->loader->locateFile($view, 'Views');

			// locateFile will return an empty string if the file cannot be found.
			if (empty($file))
				throw ViewException::forInvalidFile($fileOrig);

		if (is_null($this->tempData))
			$this->tempData = $this->data;

		$template = file_get_contents($file);
		$output   = $this->parse($template, $this->tempData, $options);
		$this->logPerformance($start, microtime(true), $view);

		if ($saveData)
			$this->data = $this->tempData;
		// Should we cache?
		if (isset($options['cache']))
			cache()->save($cacheName, $output, (int) $options['cache']); // @phpstan-ignore-line
		$this->tempData = null;
		return $output;


	 * Parse a String
	 * Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified string,
	 * replacing them with any data that has already been set.
	 * @param string  $template
	 * @param array   $options
	 * @param boolean $saveData
	 * @return string
	public function renderString(string $template, array $options = null, bool $saveData = null): string
		$start = microtime(true);
		if (is_null($saveData))
			$saveData = $this->config->saveData;

		if (is_null($this->tempData))
			$this->tempData = $this->data;

		$output = $this->parse($template, $this->tempData, $options);

		$this->logPerformance($start, microtime(true), $this->excerpt($template));

		if ($saveData)
			$this->data = $this->tempData;

		$this->tempData = null;

		return $output;


	 * Sets several pieces of view data at once.
	 * In the Parser, we need to store the context here
	 * so that the variable is correctly handled within the
	 * parsing itself, and contexts (including raw) are respected.
	 * @param array  $data
	 * @param string $context The context to escape it for: html, css, js, url, raw
	 *                        If 'raw', no escaping will happen
	 * @return RendererInterface
	public function setData(array $data = [], string $context = null): RendererInterface
		if (! empty($context))
			foreach ($data as $key => &$value)
				if (is_array($value))
					foreach ($value as &$obj)
						$obj = $this->objectToArray($obj);
					$value = $this->objectToArray($value);

				$this->dataContexts[$key] = $context;

		$this->tempData = $this->tempData ?? $this->data;
		$this->tempData = array_merge($this->tempData, $data);

		return $this;


	 * Parse a template
	 * Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified template,
	 * replacing them with the data in the second param
	 * @param string $template
	 * @param array  $data
	 * @param array  $options  Future options
	 * @return string
	protected function parse(string $template, array $data = [], array $options = null): string
		if ($template === '')
			return '';

		// Remove any possible PHP tags since we don't support it
		// and parseConditionals needs it clean anyway...
		$template = str_replace(['<?', '?>'], ['&lt;?', '?&gt;'], $template);

		$template = $this->parseComments($template);
		$template = $this->extractNoparse($template);

		// Replace any conditional code here so we don't have to parse as much
		$template = $this->parseConditionals($template);

		// Handle any plugins before normal data, so that
		// it can potentially modify any template between its tags.
		$template = $this->parsePlugins($template);

		// loop over the data variables, replacing
		// the content as we go.
		foreach ($data as $key => $val)
			$escape = true;

			if (is_array($val))
				$escape  = false;
				$replace = $this->parsePair($key, $val, $template);
				$replace = $this->parseSingle($key, (string) $val);

			foreach ($replace as $pattern => $content)
				$template = $this->replaceSingle($pattern, $content, $template, $escape);

		return $this->insertNoparse($template);


	 * Parse a single key/value, extracting it
	 * @param  string $key
	 * @param  string $val
	 * @return array
	protected function parseSingle(string $key, string $val): array
		$pattern = '#' . $this->leftDelimiter . '!?\s*' . preg_quote($key) . '(?(?=\s*\|\s*)(\s*\|*\s*([|\w<>=\(\),:.\-\s\+\\\\/]+)*\s*))(\s*)!?' . $this->rightDelimiter . '#ms';

		return [$pattern => $val];


	 * Parse a tag pair
	 * Parses tag pairs: {some_tag} string... {/some_tag}
	 * @param  string $variable
	 * @param  array  $data
	 * @param  string $template
	 * @return array
	protected function parsePair(string $variable, array $data, string $template): array
		// Holds the replacement patterns and contents
		// that will be used within a preg_replace in parse()
		$replace = [];

		// Find all matches of space-flexible versions of {tag}{/tag} so we
		// have something to loop over.
			'#' . $this->leftDelimiter . '\s*' . preg_quote($variable) . '\s*' . $this->rightDelimiter . '(.+?)' .
			$this->leftDelimiter . '\s*' . '/' . preg_quote($variable) . '\s*' . $this->rightDelimiter . '#s', $template, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER

		 * Each match looks like:
		 * $match[0] {tag}...{/tag}
		 * $match[1] Contents inside the tag
		foreach ($matches as $match)
			// Loop over each piece of $data, replacing
			// it's contents so that we know what to replace in parse()
			$str = '';  // holds the new contents for this tag pair.
			foreach ($data as $row)
				// Objects that have a `toArray()` method should be
				// converted with that method (i.e. Entities)
				if (is_object($row) && method_exists($row, 'toArray'))
					$row = $row->toArray();
				// Otherwise, cast as an array and it will grab public properties.
				elseif (is_object($row))
					$row = (array) $row;

				$temp  = [];
				$pairs = [];
				$out   = $match[1];
				foreach ($row as $key => $val)
					// For nested data, send us back through this method...
					if (is_array($val))
						$pair = $this->parsePair($key, $val, $match[1]);

						if (! empty($pair))
							$pairs[array_keys($pair)[0]] = true;

							$temp = array_merge($temp, $pair);


					if (is_object($val))
						$val = 'Class: ' . get_class($val);
					elseif (is_resource($val))
						$val = 'Resource';

					$temp['#' . $this->leftDelimiter . '!?\s*' . preg_quote($key) . '(?(?=\s*\|\s*)(\s*\|*\s*([|\w<>=\(\),:.\-\s\+\\\\/]+)*\s*))(\s*)!?' . $this->rightDelimiter . '#s'] = $val;

				// Now replace our placeholders with the new content.
				foreach ($temp as $pattern => $content)
					$out = $this->replaceSingle($pattern, $content, $out, ! isset($pairs[$pattern]));

				$str .= $out;

			//Escape | character from filters as it's handled as OR in regex
			$escapedMatch = preg_replace('/(?<!\\\\)\\|/', '\\|', $match[0]);

			$replace['#' . $escapedMatch . '#s'] = $str;

		return $replace;


	 * Removes any comments from the file. Comments are wrapped in {# #} symbols:
	 *      {# This is a comment #}
	 * @param string $template
	 * @return string
	protected function parseComments(string $template): string
		return preg_replace('/\{#.*?#\}/s', '', $template);


	 * Extracts noparse blocks, inserting a hash in its place so that
	 * those blocks of the page are not touched by parsing.
	 * @param string $template
	 * @return string
	protected function extractNoparse(string $template): string
		$pattern = '/\{\s*noparse\s*\}(.*?)\{\s*\/noparse\s*\}/ms';

		 * $matches[][0] is the raw match
		 * $matches[][1] is the contents
		if (preg_match_all($pattern, $template, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
			foreach ($matches as $match)
				// Create a hash of the contents to insert in its place.
				$hash                       = md5($match[1]);
				$this->noparseBlocks[$hash] = $match[1];
				$template                   = str_replace($match[0], "noparse_{$hash}", $template);

		return $template;


	 * Re-inserts the noparsed contents back into the template.
	 * @param string $template
	 * @return string
	public function insertNoparse(string $template): string
		foreach ($this->noparseBlocks as $hash => $replace)
			$template = str_replace("noparse_{$hash}", $replace, $template);

		return $template;


	 * Parses any conditionals in the code, removing blocks that don't
	 * pass so we don't try to parse it later.
	 * Valid conditionals:
	 *  - if
	 *  - elseif
	 *  - else
	 * @param string $template
	 * @return string
	protected function parseConditionals(string $template): string
		$pattern = '/\{\s*(if|elseif)\s*((?:\()?(.*?)(?:\))?)\s*\}/ms';

		 * For each match:
		 * [0] = raw match `{if var}`
		 * [1] = conditional `if`
		 * [2] = condition `do === true`
		 * [3] = same as [2]
		preg_match_all($pattern, $template, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

		foreach ($matches as $match)
			// Build the string to replace the `if` statement with.
			$condition = $match[2];

			$statement = $match[1] === 'elseif' ? '<?php elseif (' . $condition . '): ?>' : '<?php if (' . $condition . '): ?>';
			$template  = str_replace($match[0], $statement, $template);

		$template = preg_replace('/\{\s*else\s*\}/ms', '<?php else: ?>', $template);
		$template = preg_replace('/\{\s*endif\s*\}/ms', '<?php endif; ?>', $template);

		// Parse the PHP itself, or insert an error so they can debug

		if (is_null($this->tempData))
			$this->tempData = $this->data;


			eval('?>' . $template . '<?php ');
		catch (ParseError $e)
			throw ViewException::forTagSyntaxError(str_replace(['?>', '<?php '], '', $template));

		return ob_get_clean();


	 * Over-ride the substitution field delimiters.
	 * @param  string $leftDelimiter
	 * @param  string $rightDelimiter
	 * @return RendererInterface
	public function setDelimiters($leftDelimiter = '{', $rightDelimiter = '}'): RendererInterface
		$this->leftDelimiter  = $leftDelimiter;
		$this->rightDelimiter = $rightDelimiter;
		return $this;


	 * Handles replacing a pseudo-variable with the actual content. Will double-check
	 * for escaping brackets.
	 * @param mixed   $pattern
	 * @param string  $content
	 * @param string  $template
	 * @param boolean $escape
	 * @return string
	protected function replaceSingle($pattern, $content, $template, bool $escape = false): string
		// Any dollar signs in the pattern will be misinterpreted, so slash them
		$pattern = addcslashes($pattern, '$');

		// Flesh out the main pattern from the delimiters and escape the hash
		// See
		if (preg_match('/^(#)(.*)(#(m?s)?)$/', $pattern, $parts))
			$pattern = $parts[1] . addcslashes($parts[2], '#') . $parts[3];

		// Replace the content in the template
		$template = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) use ($content, $escape) {
			// Check for {! !} syntax to not escape this one.
			if (strpos($matches[0], '{!') === 0 && substr($matches[0], -2) === '!}')
				$escape = false;

			return $this->prepareReplacement($matches, $content, $escape);
		}, $template);

		return $template;


	 * Callback used during parse() to apply any filters to the value.
	 * @param array   $matches
	 * @param string  $replace
	 * @param boolean $escape
	 * @return string
	protected function prepareReplacement(array $matches, string $replace, bool $escape = true): string
		$orig = array_shift($matches);

		// Our regex earlier will leave all chained values on a single line
		// so we need to break them apart so we can apply them all.
		$filters = ! empty($matches[1]) ? explode('|', $matches[1]) : [];

		if ($escape && empty($filters))
			if ($context = $this->shouldAddEscaping($orig))
				$filters[] = "esc({$context})";

		return $this->applyFilters($replace, $filters);


	 * Checks the placeholder the view provided to see if we need to provide any autoescaping.
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return false|string
	public function shouldAddEscaping(string $key)
		$escape = false;

		$key = trim(str_replace(['{', '}'], '', $key));

		// If the key has a context stored (from setData)
		// we need to respect that.
		if (array_key_exists($key, $this->dataContexts))
			if ($this->dataContexts[$key] !== 'raw')
				return $this->dataContexts[$key];
		// No pipes, then we know we need to escape
		elseif (strpos($key, '|') === false)
			$escape = 'html';
		// If there's a `noescape` then we're definitely false.
		elseif (strpos($key, 'noescape') !== false)
			$escape = false;
		// If no `esc` filter is found, then we'll need to add one.
		elseif (! preg_match('/\s+esc/', $key))
			$escape = 'html';

		return $escape;


	 * Given a set of filters, will apply each of the filters in turn
	 * to $replace, and return the modified string.
	 * @param string $replace
	 * @param array  $filters
	 * @return string
	protected function applyFilters(string $replace, array $filters): string
		// Determine the requested filters
		foreach ($filters as $filter)
			// Grab any parameter we might need to send
			preg_match('/\([\w<>=\/\\\,:.\-\s\+]+\)/', $filter, $param);

			// Remove the () and spaces to we have just the parameter left
			$param = ! empty($param) ? trim($param[0], '() ') : null;

			// Params can be separated by commas to allow multiple parameters for the filter
			if (! empty($param))
				$param = explode(',', $param);

				// Clean it up
				foreach ($param as &$p)
					$p = trim($p, ' "');
				$param = [];

			// Get our filter name
			$filter = ! empty($param) ? trim(strtolower(substr($filter, 0, strpos($filter, '(')))) : trim($filter);

			if (! array_key_exists($filter, $this->config->filters))

			// Filter it....
			$replace = $this->config->filters[$filter]($replace, ...$param);

		return $replace;

	// Plugins

	 * Scans the template for any parser plugins, and attempts to execute them.
	 * Plugins are delimited by {+ ... +}
	 * @param string $template
	 * @return string
	protected function parsePlugins(string $template)
		foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin => $callable)
			// Paired tags are enclosed in an array in the config array.
			$isPair   = is_array($callable);
			$callable = $isPair ? array_shift($callable) : $callable;

			// See
			$pattern = $isPair
				? '#\{\+\s*' . $plugin . '([\w=\-_:\+\s\(\)/"@.]*)?\s*\+\}(.+?)\{\+\s*/' . $plugin . '\s*\+\}#ims'
				: '#\{\+\s*' . $plugin . '([\w=\-_:\+\s\(\)/"@.]*)?\s*\+\}#ims';

			 * Match tag pairs
			 * Each match is an array:
			 *   $matches[0] = entire matched string
			 *   $matches[1] = all parameters string in opening tag
			 *   $matches[2] = content between the tags to send to the plugin.
			if (! preg_match_all($pattern, $template, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))

			foreach ($matches as $match)
				$params = [];

				preg_match_all('/([\w-]+=\"[^"]+\")|([\w-]+=[^\"\s=]+)|(\"[^"]+\")|(\S+)/', trim($match[1]), $matchesParams);

				foreach ($matchesParams[0] as $item)
					$keyVal = explode('=', $item);

					if (count($keyVal) === 2)
						$params[$keyVal[0]] = str_replace('"', '', $keyVal[1]);
						$params[] = str_replace('"', '', $item);

				$template = $isPair
					? str_replace($match[0], $callable($match[2], $params), $template)
					: str_replace($match[0], $callable($params), $template);

		return $template;

	 * Makes a new plugin available during the parsing of the template.
	 * @param string   $alias
	 * @param callable $callback
	 * @param boolean  $isPair
	 * @return $this
	public function addPlugin(string $alias, callable $callback, bool $isPair = false)
		$this->plugins[$alias] = $isPair ? [$callback] : $callback;

		return $this;


	 * Removes a plugin from the available plugins.
	 * @param string $alias
	 * @return $this
	public function removePlugin(string $alias)

		return $this;

	 * Converts an object to an array, respecting any
	 * toArray() methods on an object.
	 * @param mixed $value
	 * @return mixed
	protected function objectToArray($value)
		// Objects that have a `toArray()` method should be
		// converted with that method (i.e. Entities)
		if (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, 'toArray'))
			$value = $value->toArray();
		// Otherwise, cast as an array and it will grab public properties.
		elseif (is_object($value))
			$value = (array) $value;

		return $value;
