framework / system / Pager / PagerRenderer.php
@MGatner MGatner on 1 Feb 2021 8 KB Release v4.1.0

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Pager;

use CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI;

 * Class PagerRenderer
 * This class is passed to the view that describes the pagination,
 * and is used to get the link information and provide utility
 * methods needed to work with pagination.
class PagerRenderer
	 * First page number.
	 * @var integer
	protected $first;

	 * Last page number.
	 * @var integer
	protected $last;

	 * Current page number.
	 * @var integer
	protected $current;

	 * Total number of items.
	 * @var integer
	protected $total;

	 * Total number of pages.
	 * @var integer
	protected $pageCount;

	 * URI base for pagination links
	 * @var URI
	protected $uri;

	 * Segment number used for pagination.
	 * @var integer
	protected $segment;

	 * Name of $_GET parameter
	 * @var string
	protected $pageSelector;


	 * Constructor.
	 * @param array $details
	public function __construct(array $details)
		$this->first        = 1;
		$this->last         = $details['pageCount'];
		$this->current      = $details['currentPage'];
		$this->total        = $details['total'];
		$this->uri          = $details['uri'];
		$this->pageCount    = $details['pageCount'];
		$this->segment      = $details['segment'] ?? 0;
		$this->pageSelector = $details['pageSelector'] ?? 'page';


	 * Sets the total number of links that should appear on either
	 * side of the current page. Adjusts the first and last counts
	 * to reflect it.
	 * @param integer|null $count
	 * @return PagerRenderer
	public function setSurroundCount(int $count = null)

		return $this;


	 * Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
	 * @return boolean
	public function hasPrevious(): bool
		return $this->first > 1;


	 * Returns a URL to the "previous" page. The previous page is NOT the
	 * page before the current page, but is the page just before the
	 * "first" page.
	 * You MUST call hasPrevious() first, or this value may be invalid.
	 * @return string|null
	public function getPrevious()
		if (! $this->hasPrevious())
			return null;

		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		if ($this->segment === 0)
			$uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $this->first - 1);
			$uri->setSegment($this->segment, $this->first - 1);

		return (string) $uri;


	 * Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
	 * @return boolean
	public function hasNext(): bool
		return $this->pageCount > $this->last;


	 * Returns a URL to the "next" page. The next page is NOT, the
	 * page after the current page, but is the page that follows the
	 * "last" page.
	 * You MUST call hasNext() first, or this value may be invalid.
	 * @return string|null
	public function getNext()
		if (! $this->hasNext())
			return null;

		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		if ($this->segment === 0)
			$uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $this->last + 1);
			$uri->setSegment($this->segment, $this->last + 1);

		return (string) $uri;


	 * Returns the URI of the first page.
	 * @return string
	public function getFirst(): string
		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		if ($this->segment === 0)
			$uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, 1);
			$uri->setSegment($this->segment, 1);

		return (string) $uri;


	 * Returns the URI of the last page.
	 * @return string
	public function getLast(): string
		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		if ($this->segment === 0)
			$uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $this->pageCount);
			$uri->setSegment($this->segment, $this->pageCount);

		return (string) $uri;


	 * Returns the URI of the current page.
	 * @return string
	public function getCurrent(): string
		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		if ($this->segment === 0)
			$uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $this->current);
			$uri->setSegment($this->segment, $this->current);

		return (string) $uri;


	 * Returns an array of links that should be displayed. Each link
	 * is represented by another array containing of the URI the link
	 * should go to, the title (number) of the link, and a boolean
	 * value representing whether this link is active or not.
	 * @return array
	public function links(): array
		$links = [];

		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		for ($i = $this->first; $i <= $this->last; $i ++)
			$links[] = [
				'uri'    => (string) ($this->segment === 0 ? $uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $i) : $uri->setSegment($this->segment, $i)),
				'title'  => (int) $i,
				'active' => ($i === $this->current),

		return $links;


	 * Updates the first and last pages based on $surroundCount,
	 * which is the number of links surrounding the active page
	 * to show.
	 * @param integer|null $count The new "surroundCount"
	protected function updatePages(int $count = null)
		if (is_null($count))

		$this->first = $this->current - $count > 0 ? (int) ($this->current - $count) : 1;
		$this->last  = $this->current + $count <= $this->pageCount ? (int) ($this->current + $count) : (int) $this->pageCount;


	 * Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
	 * @return boolean
	public function hasPreviousPage(): bool
		return $this->current > 1;


	 * Returns a URL to the "previous" page.
	 * You MUST call hasPreviousPage() first, or this value may be invalid.
	 * @return string|null
	public function getPreviousPage()
		if (! $this->hasPreviousPage())
			return null;

		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		if ($this->segment === 0)
			$uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $this->current - 1);
			$uri->setSegment($this->segment, $this->current - 1);

		return (string) $uri;


	 * Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
	 * @return boolean
	public function hasNextPage(): bool
		return $this->current < $this->last;


	 * Returns a URL to the "next" page.
	 * You MUST call hasNextPage() first, or this value may be invalid.
	 * @return string|null
	public function getNextPage()
		if (! $this->hasNextPage())
			return null;

		$uri = clone $this->uri;

		if ($this->segment === 0)
			$uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $this->current + 1);
			$uri->setSegment($this->segment, $this->current + 1);

		return (string) $uri;

	 * Returns the page number of the first page.
	 * @return integer
	public function getFirstPageNumber(): int
		return $this->first;

	 * Returns the page number of the current page.
	 * @return integer
	public function getCurrentPageNumber(): int
		return $this->current;

	 * Returns the page number of the last page.
	 * @return integer
	public function getLastPageNumber(): int
		return $this->last;

	 * Returns the previous page number.
	 * @return integer|null
	public function getPreviousPageNumber(): ?int
		return ($this->current === 1) ? null : $this->current - 1;

	 * Returns the next page number.
	 * @return integer|null
	public function getNextPageNumber(): ?int
		return ($this->current === $this->pageCount) ? null : $this->current + 1;