<?php /** * This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework. * * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <admin@codeigniter.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ use Config\Services; // CodeIgniter Number Helpers if (! function_exists('number_to_size')) { /** * Formats a numbers as bytes, based on size, and adds the appropriate suffix * * @param mixed $num Will be cast as int * @param string $locale * * @return bool|string */ function number_to_size($num, int $precision = 1, ?string $locale = null) { // Strip any formatting & ensure numeric input try { $num = 0 + str_replace(',', '', $num); // @phpstan-ignore-line } catch (ErrorException $ee) { return false; } // ignore sub part $generalLocale = $locale; if (! empty($locale) && ($underscorePos = strpos($locale, '_'))) { $generalLocale = substr($locale, 0, $underscorePos); } if ($num >= 1000000000000) { $num = round($num / 1099511627776, $precision); $unit = lang('Number.terabyteAbbr', [], $generalLocale); } elseif ($num >= 1000000000) { $num = round($num / 1073741824, $precision); $unit = lang('Number.gigabyteAbbr', [], $generalLocale); } elseif ($num >= 1000000) { $num = round($num / 1048576, $precision); $unit = lang('Number.megabyteAbbr', [], $generalLocale); } elseif ($num >= 1000) { $num = round($num / 1024, $precision); $unit = lang('Number.kilobyteAbbr', [], $generalLocale); } else { $unit = lang('Number.bytes', [], $generalLocale); } return format_number($num, $precision, $locale, ['after' => ' ' . $unit]); } } if (! function_exists('number_to_amount')) { /** * Converts numbers to a more readable representation * when dealing with very large numbers (in the thousands or above), * up to the quadrillions, because you won't often deal with numbers * larger than that. * * It uses the "short form" numbering system as this is most commonly * used within most English-speaking countries today. * * @see https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_for_large_numbers * * @param string $num * * @return bool|string */ function number_to_amount($num, int $precision = 0, ?string $locale = null) { // Strip any formatting & ensure numeric input try { $num = 0 + str_replace(',', '', $num); // @phpstan-ignore-line } catch (ErrorException $ee) { return false; } $suffix = ''; // ignore sub part $generalLocale = $locale; if (! empty($locale) && ($underscorePos = strpos($locale, '_'))) { $generalLocale = substr($locale, 0, $underscorePos); } if ($num > 1000000000000000) { $suffix = lang('Number.quadrillion', [], $generalLocale); $num = round(($num / 1000000000000000), $precision); } elseif ($num > 1000000000000) { $suffix = lang('Number.trillion', [], $generalLocale); $num = round(($num / 1000000000000), $precision); } elseif ($num > 1000000000) { $suffix = lang('Number.billion', [], $generalLocale); $num = round(($num / 1000000000), $precision); } elseif ($num > 1000000) { $suffix = lang('Number.million', [], $generalLocale); $num = round(($num / 1000000), $precision); } elseif ($num > 1000) { $suffix = lang('Number.thousand', [], $generalLocale); $num = round(($num / 1000), $precision); } return format_number($num, $precision, $locale, ['after' => $suffix]); } } if (! function_exists('number_to_currency')) { /** * @param string $locale * @param int $fraction */ function number_to_currency(float $num, string $currency, ?string $locale = null, ?int $fraction = null): string { return format_number($num, 1, $locale, [ 'type' => NumberFormatter::CURRENCY, 'currency' => $currency, 'fraction' => $fraction, ]); } } if (! function_exists('format_number')) { /** * A general purpose, locale-aware, number_format method. * Used by all of the functions of the number_helper. */ function format_number(float $num, int $precision = 1, ?string $locale = null, array $options = []): string { // Locale is either passed in here, negotiated with client, or grabbed from our config file. $locale = $locale ?? Services::request()->getLocale(); // Type can be any of the NumberFormatter options, but provide a default. $type = (int) ($options['type'] ?? NumberFormatter::DECIMAL); $formatter = new NumberFormatter($locale, $type); // Try to format it per the locale if ($type === NumberFormatter::CURRENCY) { $formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, $options['fraction']); $output = $formatter->formatCurrency($num, $options['currency']); } else { // In order to specify a precision, we'll have to modify // the pattern used by NumberFormatter. $pattern = '#,##0.' . str_repeat('#', $precision); $formatter->setPattern($pattern); $output = $formatter->format($num); } // This might lead a trailing period if $precision == 0 $output = trim($output, '. '); if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode())) { throw new BadFunctionCallException($formatter->getErrorMessage()); } // Add on any before/after text. if (isset($options['before']) && is_string($options['before'])) { $output = $options['before'] . $output; } if (isset($options['after']) && is_string($options['after'])) { $output .= $options['after']; } return $output; } } if (! function_exists('number_to_roman')) { /** * Convert a number to a roman numeral. * * @param string $num it will convert to int */ function number_to_roman(string $num): ?string { $num = (int) $num; if ($num < 1 || $num > 3999) { return null; } $_number_to_roman = static function ($num, $th) use (&$_number_to_roman) { $return = ''; $key1 = null; $key2 = null; switch ($th) { case 1: $key1 = 'I'; $key2 = 'V'; $keyF = 'X'; break; case 2: $key1 = 'X'; $key2 = 'L'; $keyF = 'C'; break; case 3: $key1 = 'C'; $key2 = 'D'; $keyF = 'M'; break; case 4: $key1 = 'M'; break; } $n = $num % 10; switch ($n) { case 1: case 2: case 3: $return = str_repeat($key1, $n); break; case 4: $return = $key1 . $key2; break; case 5: $return = $key2; break; case 6: case 7: case 8: $return = $key2 . str_repeat($key1, $n - 5); break; case 9: $return = $key1 . $keyF; // @phpstan-ignore-line break; } switch ($num) { case 10: $return = $keyF; // @phpstan-ignore-line break; } if ($num > 10) { $return = $_number_to_roman($num / 10, ++$th) . $return; } return $return; }; return $_number_to_roman($num, 1); } }