framework / system / Debug / Toolbar / Views / toolbar.js
@Jim Parry Jim Parry on 1 Dec 2018 13 KB Release 4.0.0-alpha.3
 * Functionality for the CodeIgniter Debug Toolbar.

var ciDebugBar = {

	toolbar : null,
	icon : null,


	init : function () {
		this.toolbar = document.getElementById('debug-bar');
		this.icon    = document.getElementById('debug-icon');


		document.getElementById('debug-bar-link').addEventListener('click', ciDebugBar.toggleToolbar, true);
		document.getElementById('debug-icon-link').addEventListener('click', ciDebugBar.toggleToolbar, true);

		// Allows to highlight the row of the current history request
		var btn = document.querySelector('button[data-time="' + localStorage.getItem('debugbar-time') + '"]');
		ciDebugBar.addClass(btn.parentNode.parentNode, 'current');

		historyLoad = document.getElementsByClassName('ci-history-load');

		for (var i = 0; i < historyLoad.length; i++)
			historyLoad[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
			}, true);

		// Display the active Tab on page load
		var tab = ciDebugBar.readCookie('debug-bar-tab');
		if (document.getElementById(tab))
			var el           = document.getElementById(tab); = 'block';
			ciDebugBar.addClass(el, 'active');
			tab = document.querySelector('[data-tab=' + tab + ']');
			if (tab)
				ciDebugBar.addClass(tab.parentNode, 'active');


	createListeners : function () {
		var buttons = []'#debug-bar .ci-label a'));

		for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
			buttons[i].addEventListener('click', ciDebugBar.showTab, true);


	showTab: function () {
		// Get the target tab, if any
		var tab = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('data-tab'));

		// If the label have not a tab stops here
		if (! tab)

		// Remove debug-bar-tab cookie
		ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-bar-tab', '', -1);

		// Check our current state.
		var state =;

		// Hide all tabs
		var tabs = document.querySelectorAll('#debug-bar .tab');

		for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
			tabs[i].style.display = 'none';

		// Mark all labels as inactive
		var labels = document.querySelectorAll('#debug-bar .ci-label');

		for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
			ciDebugBar.removeClass(labels[i], 'active');

		// Show/hide the selected tab
		if (state != 'block')
		{ = 'block';
			ciDebugBar.addClass(this.parentNode, 'active');
			// Create debug-bar-tab cookie to persistent state
			ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-bar-tab', this.getAttribute('data-tab'), 365);


	addClass : function (el, className) {
		if (el.classList)
			el.className += ' ' + className;


	removeClass : function (el, className) {
		if (el.classList)
			el.className = el.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\b)' + className.split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)', 'gi'), ' ');


	 * Toggle display of a data table
	 * @param obj
	toggleDataTable : function (obj) {
		if (typeof obj == 'string')
			obj = document.getElementById(obj + '_table');

		if (obj)
		{ = == 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';


	 *   Toggle tool bar from full to icon and icon to full
	toggleToolbar : function () {
		var open = != 'none';    = open == true ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; = open == false ? 'inline-block' : 'none';

		// Remember it for other page loads on this site
		ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-bar-state', '', -1);
		ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-bar-state', open == true ? 'minimized' : 'open' , 365);


	 * Sets the initial state of the toolbar (open or minimized) when
	 * the page is first loaded to allow it to remember the state between refreshes.
	setToolbarState: function () {
		var open = ciDebugBar.readCookie('debug-bar-state');    = open != 'open' ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; = open == 'open' ? 'inline-block' : 'none';


	toggleViewsHints: function () {
		// Avoid toggle hints on history requests that are not the initial
		if (localStorage.getItem('debugbar-time') != localStorage.getItem('debugbar-time-new'))
			var a  = document.querySelector('a[data-tab="ci-views"]');
			a.href = '#';

		var nodeList       = []; // [ Element, NewElement( 1 )/OldElement( 0 ) ]
		var sortedComments = [];
		var comments       = [];

		var getComments = function () {
			var nodes        = [];
			var result       = [];
			var xpathResults = document.evaluate( "//comment()[starts-with(., ' DEBUG-VIEW')]", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
			var nextNode     = xpathResults.iterateNext();
			while ( nextNode )
				nodes.push( nextNode );
				nextNode = xpathResults.iterateNext();

			// sort comment by opening and closing tags
			for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i)
				// get file path + name to use as key
				var path = nodes[i].nodeValue.substring( 18, nodes[i].nodeValue.length - 1 );

				if ( nodes[i].nodeValue[12] === 'S' ) // simple check for start comment
					// create new entry
					result[path] = [ nodes[i], null ];
				else if (result[path])
					// add to existing entry
					result[path][1] = nodes[i];

			return result;

		// find node that has TargetNode as parentNode
		var getParentNode = function ( node, targetNode ) {
			if ( node.parentNode === null )
				return null;

			if ( node.parentNode !== targetNode )
				return getParentNode( node.parentNode, targetNode );

			return node;

		// define invalid & outer ( also invalid ) elements
		const OUTER_ELEMENTS   = [ 'HTML', 'BODY', 'HEAD' ];

		var getValidElementInner = function ( node, reverse ) {
			// handle invalid tags
			if ( OUTER_ELEMENTS.indexOf( node.nodeName ) !== -1 )
				for (var i = 0; i < document.body.children.length; ++i)
					var index   = reverse ? document.body.children.length - ( i + 1 ) : i;
					var element = document.body.children[index];

					// skip invalid tags
					if ( INVALID_ELEMENTS.indexOf( element.nodeName ) !== -1 )

					return [ element, reverse ];

				return null;

			// get to next valid element
			while ( node !== null && INVALID_ELEMENTS.indexOf( node.nodeName ) !== -1 )
				node = reverse ? node.previousElementSibling : node.nextElementSibling;

			// return non array if we couldnt find something
			if ( node === null )
				return null;

			return [ node, reverse ];

		// get next valid element ( to be safe to add divs )
		// @return [ element, skip element ] or null if we couldnt find a valid place
		var getValidElement = function ( nodeElement ) {
			if (nodeElement)
				if ( nodeElement.nextElementSibling !== null )
					return getValidElementInner( nodeElement.nextElementSibling, false )
						|| getValidElementInner( nodeElement.previousElementSibling, true );
				if ( nodeElement.previousElementSibling !== null )
					return getValidElementInner( nodeElement.previousElementSibling, true );

			// something went wrong! -> element is not in DOM
			return null;

		function showHints()
			// Had AJAX? Reset view blocks
			sortedComments = getComments();

			for (var key in sortedComments)
				var startElement = getValidElement( sortedComments[key][0] );
				var endElement   = getValidElement( sortedComments[key][1] );

				// skip if we couldnt get a valid element
				if ( startElement === null || endElement === null )

				// find element which has same parent as startelement
				var jointParent = getParentNode( endElement[0], startElement[0].parentNode );
				if ( jointParent === null )
					// find element which has same parent as endelement
					jointParent = getParentNode( startElement[0], endElement[0].parentNode );
					if ( jointParent === null )
						// both tries failed
						startElement[0] = jointParent;
					endElement[0] = jointParent;

				var debugDiv   = document.createElement( 'div' ); // holder
				var debugPath  = document.createElement( 'div' ); // path
				var childArray = startElement[0].parentNode.childNodes; // target child array
				var parent     = startElement[0].parentNode;
				var start, end;

				// setup container
				debugDiv.classList.add( 'debug-view' );
				debugDiv.classList.add( 'show-view' );
				debugPath.classList.add( 'debug-view-path' );
				debugPath.innerText = key;
				debugDiv.appendChild( debugPath );

				// calc distance between them
				// start
				for (var i = 0; i < childArray.length; ++i)
					// check for comment ( start & end ) -> if its before valid start element
					if ( childArray[i] === sortedComments[key][1] ||
						childArray[i] === sortedComments[key][0] ||
						childArray[i] === startElement[0] )
						start = i;
						if ( childArray[i] === sortedComments[key][0] )
							start++; // increase to skip the start comment
				// adjust if we want to skip the start element
				if ( startElement[1] )

				// end
				for (var i = start; i < childArray.length; ++i)
					if ( childArray[i] === endElement[0] )
						end = i;
						// dont break to check for end comment after end valid element
					else if ( childArray[i] === sortedComments[key][1] )
						// if we found the end comment, we can break
						end = i;

				// move elements
				var number = end - start;
				if ( endElement[1] )
				for (var i = 0; i < number; ++i)
					if ( INVALID_ELEMENTS.indexOf( childArray[start] ) !== -1 )
						// skip invalid childs that can cause problems if moved
					debugDiv.appendChild( childArray[start] );

				// add container to DOM
				nodeList.push( parent.insertBefore( debugDiv, childArray[start] ) );

			ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-view', 'show', 365);
			ciDebugBar.addClass(btn, 'active');

		function hideHints()
			for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i)
				var index;

				// find index
				for (var j = 0; j < nodeList[i].parentNode.childNodes.length; ++j)
					if ( nodeList[i].parentNode.childNodes[j] === nodeList[i] )
						index = j;

				// move child back
				while ( nodeList[i].childNodes.length !== 1 )
					nodeList[i].parentNode.insertBefore( nodeList[i].childNodes[1], nodeList[i].parentNode.childNodes[index].nextSibling  );

				nodeList[i].parentNode.removeChild( nodeList[i] );
			nodeList.length = 0;

			ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-view', '', -1);
			ciDebugBar.removeClass(btn, 'active');

		var btn = document.querySelector('[data-tab=ci-views]');

		// If the Views Collector is inactive stops here
		if (! btn)

		btn.parentNode.onclick = function () {
			if (ciDebugBar.readCookie('debug-view'))

		// Determine Hints state on page load
		if (ciDebugBar.readCookie('debug-view'))


	setToolbarPosition: function () {
		var btnPosition = document.getElementById('toolbar-position');

		if (ciDebugBar.readCookie('debug-bar-position') === 'top')
			ciDebugBar.addClass(ciDebugBar.icon, 'fixed-top');
			ciDebugBar.addClass(ciDebugBar.toolbar, 'fixed-top');

		btnPosition.addEventListener('click', function () {
			var position = ciDebugBar.readCookie('debug-bar-position');

			ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-bar-position', '', -1);

			if (!position || position === 'bottom')
				ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-bar-position', 'top', 365);
				ciDebugBar.addClass(ciDebugBar.icon, 'fixed-top');
				ciDebugBar.addClass(ciDebugBar.toolbar, 'fixed-top');
				ciDebugBar.createCookie('debug-bar-position', 'bottom', 365);
				ciDebugBar.removeClass(ciDebugBar.icon, 'fixed-top');
				ciDebugBar.removeClass(ciDebugBar.toolbar, 'fixed-top');
		}, true);


	 * Helper to create a cookie.
	 * @param name
	 * @param value
	 * @param days
	createCookie : function (name,value,days) {
		if (days)
			var date = new Date();

			date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

			var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
			var expires = "";

		document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";


	readCookie : function (name) {
		var nameEQ = name + "=";
		var ca     = document.cookie.split(';');

		for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++)
			var c = ca[i];
			while (c.charAt(0) == ' ')
				c = c.substring(1,c.length);
			if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0)
				return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
		return null;