framework / system / Database / MySQLi / Connection.php
@MGatner MGatner on 1 Feb 2021 16 KB Release v4.0.5

 * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi;

use CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection;
use CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DatabaseException;
use LogicException;
use MySQLi;
use mysqli_sql_exception;
use stdClass;
use Throwable;

 * Connection for MySQLi
class Connection extends BaseConnection
	 * Database driver
	 * @var string
	public $DBDriver = 'MySQLi';

	 * DELETE hack flag
	 * Whether to use the MySQL "delete hack" which allows the number
	 * of affected rows to be shown. Uses a preg_replace when enabled,
	 * adding a bit more processing to all queries.
	 * @var boolean
	public $deleteHack = true;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Identifier escape character
	 * @var string
	public $escapeChar = '`';

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * MySQLi object
	 * Has to be preserved without being assigned to $conn_id.
	 * @var MySQLi
	public $mysqli;


	 * Connect to the database.
	 * @param boolean $persistent
	 * @return mixed
	 * @throws DatabaseException
	public function connect(bool $persistent = false)
		// Do we have a socket path?
		if ($this->hostname[0] === '/')
			$hostname = null;
			$port     = null;
			$socket   = $this->hostname;
			$hostname = ($persistent === true) ? 'p:' . $this->hostname : $this->hostname;
			$port     = empty($this->port) ? null : $this->port;
			$socket   = '';

		$clientFlags  = ($this->compress === true) ? MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS : 0;
		$this->mysqli = mysqli_init();


		$this->mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10);

		if (isset($this->strictOn))
			if ($this->strictOn)
					'SET SESSION sql_mode = CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ",", "STRICT_ALL_TABLES")');
				$this->mysqli->options(MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET SESSION sql_mode =
												"STRICT_ALL_TABLES,", ""),
											",STRICT_ALL_TABLES", ""),
										"STRICT_ALL_TABLES", ""),
									"STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,", ""),
								",STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", ""),
							"STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", "")'

		if (is_array($this->encrypt))
			$ssl = [];

			empty($this->encrypt['ssl_key'])    || $ssl['key']    = $this->encrypt['ssl_key'];
			empty($this->encrypt['ssl_cert'])   || $ssl['cert']   = $this->encrypt['ssl_cert'];
			empty($this->encrypt['ssl_ca'])     || $ssl['ca']     = $this->encrypt['ssl_ca'];
			empty($this->encrypt['ssl_capath']) || $ssl['capath'] = $this->encrypt['ssl_capath'];
			empty($this->encrypt['ssl_cipher']) || $ssl['cipher'] = $this->encrypt['ssl_cipher'];

			if (! empty($ssl))
				if (isset($this->encrypt['ssl_verify']))
					if ($this->encrypt['ssl_verify'])
						$this->mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, 1);
					// Apparently (when it exists), setting MYSQLI_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT
					// to FALSE didn't do anything, so PHP 5.6.16 introduced yet another
					// constant ...
					elseif (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT') && version_compare($this->mysqli->client_info, '5.6', '>='))

				$clientFlags += MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL;
					$ssl['key'] ?? null, $ssl['cert'] ?? null, $ssl['ca'] ?? null,
					$ssl['capath'] ?? null, $ssl['cipher'] ?? null

			if ($this->mysqli->real_connect($hostname, $this->username, $this->password,
				$this->database, $port, $socket, $clientFlags)
				// Prior to version 5.7.3, MySQL silently downgrades to an unencrypted connection if SSL setup fails
				if (($clientFlags & MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL) && version_compare($this->mysqli->client_info, '5.7.3', '<=')
					&& empty($this->mysqli->query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'ssl_cipher'")
					$message = 'MySQLi was configured for an SSL connection, but got an unencrypted connection instead!';
					log_message('error', $message);

					if ($this->DBDebug)
						throw new DatabaseException($message);

					return false;

				if (! $this->mysqli->set_charset($this->charset))
						"Database: Unable to set the configured connection charset ('{$this->charset}').");

					if ($this->DBDebug)
						throw new DatabaseException('Unable to set client connection character set: ' . $this->charset);

					return false;

				return $this->mysqli;
		catch (Throwable $e)
			// Clean sensitive information from errors.
			$msg = $e->getMessage();

			$msg = str_replace($this->username, '****', $msg);
			$msg = str_replace($this->password, '****', $msg);

			throw new DatabaseException($msg, $e->getCode(), $e);

		return false;


	 * Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for
	 * a length of time exceeding the server's idle timeout.
	 * @return void
	public function reconnect()


	 * Close the database connection.
	 * @return void
	protected function _close()


	 * Select a specific database table to use.
	 * @param string $databaseName
	 * @return boolean
	public function setDatabase(string $databaseName): bool
		if ($databaseName === '')
			$databaseName = $this->database;

		if (empty($this->connID))

		if ($this->connID->select_db($databaseName))
			$this->database = $databaseName;

			return true;

		return false;


	 * Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
	 * @return string
	public function getVersion(): string
		if (isset($this->dataCache['version']))
			return $this->dataCache['version'];

		if (empty($this->mysqli))

		return $this->dataCache['version'] = $this->mysqli->server_info;


	 * Executes the query against the database.
	 * @param string $sql
	 * @return mixed
	public function execute(string $sql)
		while ($this->connID->more_results())
			if ($res = $this->connID->store_result())
			return $this->connID->query($this->prepQuery($sql));
		catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e)
			log_message('error', $e);
			if ($this->DBDebug)
				throw $e;
		return false;


	 * Prep the query
	 * If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
	 * @param string $sql an SQL query
	 * @return string
	protected function prepQuery(string $sql): string
		// mysqli_affected_rows() returns 0 for "DELETE FROM TABLE" queries. This hack
		// modifies the query so that it a proper number of affected rows is returned.
		if ($this->deleteHack === true && preg_match('/^\s*DELETE\s+FROM\s+(\S+)\s*$/i', $sql))
			return trim($sql) . ' WHERE 1=1';

		return $sql;


	 * Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
	 * @return integer
	public function affectedRows(): int
		return $this->connID->affected_rows ?? 0;


	 * Platform-dependant string escape
	 * @param  string $str
	 * @return string
	protected function _escapeString(string $str): string
		if (! $this->connID)

		return $this->connID->real_escape_string($str);


	 * Escape Like String Direct
	 * There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cannot take the
	 * additional "ESCAPE x" parameter for specifying the escape character
	 * in "LIKE" strings, and this handles those directly with a backslash.
	 * @param  string|string[] $str Input string
	 * @return string|string[]
	public function escapeLikeStringDirect($str)
		if (is_array($str))
			foreach ($str as $key => $val)
				$str[$key] = $this->escapeLikeStringDirect($val);

			return $str;

		$str = $this->_escapeString($str);

		// Escape LIKE condition wildcards
		return str_replace([
		], [
			'\\' . $this->likeEscapeChar,
			'\\' . '%',
			'\\' . '_',
		], $str


	 * Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner.
	 * Uses escapeLikeStringDirect().
	 * @param boolean $prefixLimit
	 * @return string
	protected function _listTables(bool $prefixLimit = false): string
		$sql = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . $this->escapeIdentifiers($this->database);

		if ($prefixLimit !== false && $this->DBPrefix !== '')
			return $sql . " LIKE '" . $this->escapeLikeStringDirect($this->DBPrefix) . "%'";

		return $sql;


	 * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched.
	 * @param string $table
	 * @return string
	protected function _listColumns(string $table = ''): string
		return 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->protectIdentifiers($table, true, null, false);


	 * Returns an array of objects with field data
	 * @param  string $table
	 * @return stdClass[]
	 * @throws DatabaseException
	public function _fieldData(string $table): array
		$table = $this->protectIdentifiers($table, true, null, false);

		if (($query = $this->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $table)) === false)
			throw new DatabaseException(lang('Database.failGetFieldData'));
		$query = $query->getResultObject();

		$retVal = [];
		for ($i = 0, $c = count($query); $i < $c; $i++)
			$retVal[$i]       = new stdClass();
			$retVal[$i]->name = $query[$i]->Field;

			sscanf($query[$i]->Type, '%[a-z](%d)', $retVal[$i]->type, $retVal[$i]->max_length);

			$retVal[$i]->nullable    = $query[$i]->Null === 'YES';
			$retVal[$i]->default     = $query[$i]->Default;
			$retVal[$i]->primary_key = (int) ($query[$i]->Key === 'PRI');

		return $retVal;


	 * Returns an array of objects with index data
	 * @param  string $table
	 * @return stdClass[]
	 * @throws DatabaseException
	 * @throws LogicException
	public function _indexData(string $table): array
		$table = $this->protectIdentifiers($table, true, null, false);

		if (($query = $this->query('SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $table)) === false)
			throw new DatabaseException(lang('Database.failGetIndexData'));

		if (! $indexes = $query->getResultArray())
			return [];

		$keys = [];

		foreach ($indexes as $index)
			if (empty($keys[$index['Key_name']]))
				$keys[$index['Key_name']]       = new stdClass();
				$keys[$index['Key_name']]->name = $index['Key_name'];

				if ($index['Key_name'] === 'PRIMARY')
					$type = 'PRIMARY';
				elseif ($index['Index_type'] === 'FULLTEXT')
					$type = 'FULLTEXT';
				elseif ($index['Non_unique'])
					if ($index['Index_type'] === 'SPATIAL')
						$type = 'SPATIAL';
						$type = 'INDEX';
					$type = 'UNIQUE';

				$keys[$index['Key_name']]->type = $type;

			$keys[$index['Key_name']]->fields[] = $index['Column_name'];

		return $keys;


	 * Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
	 * @param  string $table
	 * @return stdClass[]
	 * @throws DatabaseException
	public function _foreignKeyData(string $table): array
		$sql = '
                    FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tc
                    INNER JOIN information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS AS rc
                        ON tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = rc.CONSTRAINT_NAME
                    INNER JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu
                        ON tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME
                        tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = ' . $this->escape('FOREIGN KEY') . ' AND
                        tc.TABLE_SCHEMA = ' . $this->escape($this->database) . ' AND
                        tc.TABLE_NAME = ' . $this->escape($table);

		if (($query = $this->query($sql)) === false)
			throw new DatabaseException(lang('Database.failGetForeignKeyData'));
		$query = $query->getResultObject();

		$retVal = [];
		foreach ($query as $row)
			$obj                      = new stdClass();
			$obj->constraint_name     = $row->CONSTRAINT_NAME;
			$obj->table_name          = $row->TABLE_NAME;
			$obj->column_name         = $row->COLUMN_NAME;
			$obj->foreign_table_name  = $row->REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME;
			$obj->foreign_column_name = $row->REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME;

			$retVal[] = $obj;

		return $retVal;


	 * Returns platform-specific SQL to disable foreign key checks.
	 * @return string
	protected function _disableForeignKeyChecks()


	 * Returns platform-specific SQL to enable foreign key checks.
	 * @return string
	protected function _enableForeignKeyChecks()


	 * Returns the last error code and message.
	 * Must return an array with keys 'code' and 'message':
	 *  return ['code' => null, 'message' => null);
	 * @return array
	public function error(): array
		if (! empty($this->mysqli->connect_errno))
			return [
				'code'    => $this->mysqli->connect_errno,
				'message' => $this->mysqli->connect_error,

		return [
			'code'    => $this->connID->errno,
			'message' => $this->connID->error,


	 * Insert ID
	 * @return integer
	public function insertID(): int
		return $this->connID->insert_id;


	 * Begin Transaction
	 * @return boolean
	protected function _transBegin(): bool

		return $this->connID->begin_transaction();


	 * Commit Transaction
	 * @return boolean
	protected function _transCommit(): bool
		if ($this->connID->commit())

			return true;

		return false;


	 * Rollback Transaction
	 * @return boolean
	protected function _transRollback(): bool
		if ($this->connID->rollback())

			return true;

		return false;
