/* * Contact Us Extension for Flarum * Author: Marco Colia * Website: https://flarum.it * * Special Thanks to Askvortsov * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ import Page from "flarum/components/Page"; import IndexPage from "flarum/components/IndexPage"; import listItems from "flarum/helpers/listItems"; import Stream from "flarum/common/utils/Stream"; import Button from "flarum/common/components/Button"; import icon from "flarum/helpers/icon"; import LinkButton from 'flarum/common/components/LinkButton'; export default class ContactPage extends Page { oninit(vnode) { super.oninit(vnode); this.loading = false; this.message = Stream(""); this.sent = false; } form() { if (!app.session.user) { return m("div", { class: "boxalignwarn" }, [ m( "span", { class: "circlewarn" }, m("span", m("i", { class: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-2x" })) ), m("div", { class: "chartwarn" }, [ m( "b", app.translator.trans("map.forum.plsregister") ), m( "div", app.translator.trans("map.forum.tocontinue") ), ]), ]); } if (this.sent) { return m("div", { class: "boxalign" }, [ m( "span", { class: "circle" }, m("span", m("i", { class: "fas fa-paper-plane fa-2x" })) ), m("div", { class: "chart" }, [ m( "b", app.translator.trans("map.forum.messagesent") ), m("div", app.translator.trans("map.forum.backsoon")), ]), ]); } return m("form.Form-group", { onsubmit: this.submit.bind(this) }, [ m( "div", { class: "buttonHolder" }, /* m( Button, { type: "submit", loading: this.loading, className: "Button" }, app.translator.trans("ubuntuhu.forum.sendForm") ),*/ m('a', { href: app.forum.attribute('url'), id: 'go-map-form', class: 'Button Button--primary', }, app.forum.attribute('formButtonTitle')) ), ]); } view() { return m(".IndexPage", [ IndexPage.prototype.hero(), m( ".container", m(".sideNavContainer", [ m( "nav.IndexPage-nav.sideNav", m("ul", listItems(IndexPage.prototype.sidebarItems().toArray())) ), m( ".IndexPage-results.sideNavOffset", m("div", { class: "iconcontainer" }, [ m( "div", { class: "fontico" }, m("i", { class: app.forum.attribute('contentTitleIcon') }) ), m( "div", { class: "icocont" }, m( "div", { class: "titolo1" }, app.forum.attribute('contentTitle') ) ), ]), m( "div", { class: "banner-message", }, /*app.translator.trans("map.forum.pText")*/ /*app.forum.attribute('url')*/ [ m.trust(app.forum.attribute('consentText')) ] ), m( "iframe", { src:"https://nostupidgifts.com/UbuntuMap/theMap.php", width:"100%", height:"600px", style:"border:none;", } ), this.form() ), ]) ), ]); } submit(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.loading = true; m.redraw(); app .request({ method: "POST", url: app.forum.attribute("baseUrl") + "/sendmail", body: { message: this.message() }, }) .then(() => { this.loading = false; this.sent = true; m.redraw(); }); } }