alert / js / node_modules / flarum / common / utils / EditorDriverInterface.d.ts
@Réz István Réz István on 18 Nov 2021 2 KB first commit
export interface EditorDriverParams {
     * An array of HTML class names to apply to the editor's main DOM element.
    classNames: string[];
     * Whether the editor should be initially disabled.
    disabled: boolean;
     * An optional placeholder for the editor.
    placeholder: string;
     * An optional initial value for the editor.
    value: string;
     * This is separate from inputListeners since the full serialized content will be passed to it.
     * It is considered private API, and should not be used/modified by extensions not implementing
     * EditorDriverInterface.
    oninput: Function;
     * Each of these functions will be called on click, input, and keyup.
     * No arguments will be passed.
    inputListeners: Function[];
     * This function will be called if submission is triggered programmatically via keybind.
     * No arguments should be passed.
    onsubmit: Function;
export default interface EditorDriverInterface {
     * Focus the editor and place the cursor at the given position.
    moveCursorTo(position: number): void;
     * Get the selected range of the editor.
    getSelectionRange(): Array<number>;
     * Get the last N characters from the current "text block".
     * A textarea-based driver would just return the last N characters,
     * but more advanced implementations might restrict to the current block.
     * This is useful for monitoring recent user input to trigger autocomplete.
    getLastNChars(n: number): string;
     * Insert content into the editor at the position of the cursor.
    insertAtCursor(text: string, escape: boolean): void;
     * Insert content into the editor at the given position.
    insertAt(pos: number, text: string, escape: boolean): void;
     * Insert content into the editor between the given positions.
     * If the start and end positions are different, any text between them will be
     * overwritten.
    insertBetween(start: number, end: number, text: string, escape: boolean): void;
     * Replace existing content from the start to the current cursor position.
    replaceBeforeCursor(start: number, text: string, escape: boolean): void;
     * Get left and top coordinates of the caret relative to the editor viewport.
    getCaretCoordinates(position: number): {
        left: number;
        top: number;
     * Set the disabled status of the editor.
    disabled(disabled: boolean): void;
     * Focus on the editor.
    focus(): void;
     * Destroy the editor
    destroy(): void;