import EditorDriverInterface, { EditorDriverParams } from './EditorDriverInterface'; export default class BasicEditorDriver implements EditorDriverInterface { el: HTMLTextAreaElement; constructor(dom: HTMLElement, params: EditorDriverParams); build(dom: HTMLElement, params: EditorDriverParams): void; protected setValue(value: string): void; moveCursorTo(position: number): void; getSelectionRange(): Array<number>; getLastNChars(n: number): string; insertAtCursor(text: string): void; insertAt(pos: number, text: string): void; insertBetween(start: number, end: number, text: string): void; replaceBeforeCursor(start: number, text: string): void; protected setSelectionRange(start: number, end: number): void; getCaretCoordinates(position: number): { top: number; left: any; }; /** * Set the disabled status of the editor. */ disabled(disabled: boolean): void; /** * Focus on the editor. */ focus(): void; /** * Destroy the editor */ destroy(): void; }