"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = rewriteLiveReferences; var _assert = require("assert"); var t = require("@babel/types"); var _template = require("@babel/template"); var _helperSimpleAccess = require("@babel/helper-simple-access"); function rewriteLiveReferences(programPath, metadata) { const imported = new Map(); const exported = new Map(); const requeueInParent = path => { programPath.requeue(path); }; for (const [source, data] of metadata.source) { for (const [localName, importName] of data.imports) { imported.set(localName, [source, importName, null]); } for (const localName of data.importsNamespace) { imported.set(localName, [source, null, localName]); } } for (const [local, data] of metadata.local) { let exportMeta = exported.get(local); if (!exportMeta) { exportMeta = []; exported.set(local, exportMeta); } exportMeta.push(...data.names); } const rewriteBindingInitVisitorState = { metadata, requeueInParent, scope: programPath.scope, exported }; programPath.traverse(rewriteBindingInitVisitor, rewriteBindingInitVisitorState); (0, _helperSimpleAccess.default)(programPath, new Set([...Array.from(imported.keys()), ...Array.from(exported.keys())])); const rewriteReferencesVisitorState = { seen: new WeakSet(), metadata, requeueInParent, scope: programPath.scope, imported, exported, buildImportReference: ([source, importName, localName], identNode) => { const meta = metadata.source.get(source); if (localName) { if (meta.lazy) identNode = t.callExpression(identNode, []); return identNode; } let namespace = t.identifier(meta.name); if (meta.lazy) namespace = t.callExpression(namespace, []); if (importName === "default" && meta.interop === "node-default") { return namespace; } const computed = metadata.stringSpecifiers.has(importName); return t.memberExpression(namespace, computed ? t.stringLiteral(importName) : t.identifier(importName), computed); } }; programPath.traverse(rewriteReferencesVisitor, rewriteReferencesVisitorState); } const rewriteBindingInitVisitor = { Scope(path) { path.skip(); }, ClassDeclaration(path) { const { requeueInParent, exported, metadata } = this; const { id } = path.node; if (!id) throw new Error("Expected class to have a name"); const localName = id.name; const exportNames = exported.get(localName) || []; if (exportNames.length > 0) { const statement = t.expressionStatement(buildBindingExportAssignmentExpression(metadata, exportNames, t.identifier(localName))); statement._blockHoist = path.node._blockHoist; requeueInParent(path.insertAfter(statement)[0]); } }, VariableDeclaration(path) { const { requeueInParent, exported, metadata } = this; Object.keys(path.getOuterBindingIdentifiers()).forEach(localName => { const exportNames = exported.get(localName) || []; if (exportNames.length > 0) { const statement = t.expressionStatement(buildBindingExportAssignmentExpression(metadata, exportNames, t.identifier(localName))); statement._blockHoist = path.node._blockHoist; requeueInParent(path.insertAfter(statement)[0]); } }); } }; const buildBindingExportAssignmentExpression = (metadata, exportNames, localExpr) => { return (exportNames || []).reduce((expr, exportName) => { const { stringSpecifiers } = metadata; const computed = stringSpecifiers.has(exportName); return t.assignmentExpression("=", t.memberExpression(t.identifier(metadata.exportName), computed ? t.stringLiteral(exportName) : t.identifier(exportName), computed), expr); }, localExpr); }; const buildImportThrow = localName => { return _template.default.expression.ast` (function() { throw new Error('"' + '${localName}' + '" is read-only.'); })() `; }; const rewriteReferencesVisitor = { ReferencedIdentifier(path) { const { seen, buildImportReference, scope, imported, requeueInParent } = this; if (seen.has(path.node)) return; seen.add(path.node); const localName = path.node.name; const importData = imported.get(localName); if (importData) { const localBinding = path.scope.getBinding(localName); const rootBinding = scope.getBinding(localName); if (rootBinding !== localBinding) return; const ref = buildImportReference(importData, path.node); ref.loc = path.node.loc; if ((path.parentPath.isCallExpression({ callee: path.node }) || path.parentPath.isOptionalCallExpression({ callee: path.node }) || path.parentPath.isTaggedTemplateExpression({ tag: path.node })) && t.isMemberExpression(ref)) { path.replaceWith(t.sequenceExpression([t.numericLiteral(0), ref])); } else if (path.isJSXIdentifier() && t.isMemberExpression(ref)) { const { object, property } = ref; path.replaceWith(t.jsxMemberExpression(t.jsxIdentifier(object.name), t.jsxIdentifier(property.name))); } else { path.replaceWith(ref); } requeueInParent(path); path.skip(); } }, AssignmentExpression: { exit(path) { const { scope, seen, imported, exported, requeueInParent, buildImportReference } = this; if (seen.has(path.node)) return; seen.add(path.node); const left = path.get("left"); if (left.isMemberExpression()) return; if (left.isIdentifier()) { const localName = left.node.name; if (scope.getBinding(localName) !== path.scope.getBinding(localName)) { return; } const exportedNames = exported.get(localName); const importData = imported.get(localName); if ((exportedNames == null ? void 0 : exportedNames.length) > 0 || importData) { _assert(path.node.operator === "=", "Path was not simplified"); const assignment = path.node; if (importData) { assignment.left = buildImportReference(importData, assignment.left); assignment.right = t.sequenceExpression([assignment.right, buildImportThrow(localName)]); } path.replaceWith(buildBindingExportAssignmentExpression(this.metadata, exportedNames, assignment)); requeueInParent(path); } } else { const ids = left.getOuterBindingIdentifiers(); const programScopeIds = Object.keys(ids).filter(localName => scope.getBinding(localName) === path.scope.getBinding(localName)); const id = programScopeIds.find(localName => imported.has(localName)); if (id) { path.node.right = t.sequenceExpression([path.node.right, buildImportThrow(id)]); } const items = []; programScopeIds.forEach(localName => { const exportedNames = exported.get(localName) || []; if (exportedNames.length > 0) { items.push(buildBindingExportAssignmentExpression(this.metadata, exportedNames, t.identifier(localName))); } }); if (items.length > 0) { let node = t.sequenceExpression(items); if (path.parentPath.isExpressionStatement()) { node = t.expressionStatement(node); node._blockHoist = path.parentPath.node._blockHoist; } const statement = path.insertAfter(node)[0]; requeueInParent(statement); } } } }, "ForOfStatement|ForInStatement"(path) { const { scope, node } = path; const { left } = node; const { exported, imported, scope: programScope } = this; if (!t.isVariableDeclaration(left)) { let didTransformExport = false, importConstViolationName; const loopBodyScope = path.get("body").scope; for (const name of Object.keys(t.getOuterBindingIdentifiers(left))) { if (programScope.getBinding(name) === scope.getBinding(name)) { if (exported.has(name)) { didTransformExport = true; if (loopBodyScope.hasOwnBinding(name)) { loopBodyScope.rename(name); } } if (imported.has(name) && !importConstViolationName) { importConstViolationName = name; } } } if (!didTransformExport && !importConstViolationName) { return; } path.ensureBlock(); const bodyPath = path.get("body"); const newLoopId = scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(left); path.get("left").replaceWith(t.variableDeclaration("let", [t.variableDeclarator(t.cloneNode(newLoopId))])); scope.registerDeclaration(path.get("left")); if (didTransformExport) { bodyPath.unshiftContainer("body", t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", left, newLoopId))); } if (importConstViolationName) { bodyPath.unshiftContainer("body", t.expressionStatement(buildImportThrow(importConstViolationName))); } } } };