"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createClassFeaturePlugin = createClassFeaturePlugin; Object.defineProperty(exports, "injectInitialization", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _misc.injectInitialization; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "enableFeature", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _features.enableFeature; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "FEATURES", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _features.FEATURES; } }); var _core = require("@babel/core"); var _helperFunctionName = require("@babel/helper-function-name"); var _helperSplitExportDeclaration = require("@babel/helper-split-export-declaration"); var _fields = require("./fields"); var _decorators = require("./decorators"); var _misc = require("./misc"); var _features = require("./features"); const version = "7.15.0".split(".").reduce((v, x) => v * 1e5 + +x, 0); const versionKey = "@babel/plugin-class-features/version"; function createClassFeaturePlugin({ name, feature, loose, manipulateOptions, api = { assumption: () => void 0 } }) { const setPublicClassFields = api.assumption("setPublicClassFields"); const privateFieldsAsProperties = api.assumption("privateFieldsAsProperties"); const constantSuper = api.assumption("constantSuper"); const noDocumentAll = api.assumption("noDocumentAll"); if (loose === true) { const explicit = []; if (setPublicClassFields !== undefined) { explicit.push(`"setPublicClassFields"`); } if (privateFieldsAsProperties !== undefined) { explicit.push(`"privateFieldsAsProperties"`); } if (explicit.length !== 0) { console.warn(`[${name}]: You are using the "loose: true" option and you are` + ` explicitly setting a value for the ${explicit.join(" and ")}` + ` assumption${explicit.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}. The "loose" option` + ` can cause incompatibilities with the other class features` + ` plugins, so it's recommended that you replace it with the` + ` following top-level option:\n` + `\t"assumptions": {\n` + `\t\t"setPublicClassFields": true,\n` + `\t\t"privateFieldsAsProperties": true\n` + `\t}`); } } return { name, manipulateOptions, pre() { (0, _features.enableFeature)(this.file, feature, loose); if (!this.file.get(versionKey) || this.file.get(versionKey) < version) { this.file.set(versionKey, version); } }, visitor: { Class(path, state) { if (this.file.get(versionKey) !== version) return; (0, _features.verifyUsedFeatures)(path, this.file); const loose = (0, _features.isLoose)(this.file, feature); let constructor; const isDecorated = (0, _decorators.hasDecorators)(path.node); const props = []; const elements = []; const computedPaths = []; const privateNames = new Set(); const body = path.get("body"); for (const path of body.get("body")) { (0, _features.verifyUsedFeatures)(path, this.file); if ((path.isClassProperty() || path.isClassMethod()) && path.node.computed) { computedPaths.push(path); } if (path.isPrivate()) { const { name } = path.node.key.id; const getName = `get ${name}`; const setName = `set ${name}`; if (path.isClassPrivateMethod()) { if (path.node.kind === "get") { if (privateNames.has(getName) || privateNames.has(name) && !privateNames.has(setName)) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Duplicate private field"); } privateNames.add(getName).add(name); } else if (path.node.kind === "set") { if (privateNames.has(setName) || privateNames.has(name) && !privateNames.has(getName)) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Duplicate private field"); } privateNames.add(setName).add(name); } } else { if (privateNames.has(name) && !privateNames.has(getName) && !privateNames.has(setName) || privateNames.has(name) && (privateNames.has(getName) || privateNames.has(setName))) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Duplicate private field"); } privateNames.add(name); } } if (path.isClassMethod({ kind: "constructor" })) { constructor = path; } else { elements.push(path); if (path.isProperty() || path.isPrivate() || path.isStaticBlock != null && path.isStaticBlock()) { props.push(path); } } } if (!props.length && !isDecorated) return; const innerBinding = path.node.id; let ref; if (!innerBinding || path.isClassExpression()) { (0, _helperFunctionName.default)(path); ref = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("class"); } else { ref = _core.types.cloneNode(path.node.id); } const privateNamesMap = (0, _fields.buildPrivateNamesMap)(props); const privateNamesNodes = (0, _fields.buildPrivateNamesNodes)(privateNamesMap, privateFieldsAsProperties != null ? privateFieldsAsProperties : loose, state); (0, _fields.transformPrivateNamesUsage)(ref, path, privateNamesMap, { privateFieldsAsProperties: privateFieldsAsProperties != null ? privateFieldsAsProperties : loose, noDocumentAll }, state); let keysNodes, staticNodes, instanceNodes, pureStaticNodes, wrapClass; if (isDecorated) { staticNodes = pureStaticNodes = keysNodes = []; ({ instanceNodes, wrapClass } = (0, _decorators.buildDecoratedClass)(ref, path, elements, this.file)); } else { keysNodes = (0, _misc.extractComputedKeys)(ref, path, computedPaths, this.file); ({ staticNodes, pureStaticNodes, instanceNodes, wrapClass } = (0, _fields.buildFieldsInitNodes)(ref, path.node.superClass, props, privateNamesMap, state, setPublicClassFields != null ? setPublicClassFields : loose, privateFieldsAsProperties != null ? privateFieldsAsProperties : loose, constantSuper != null ? constantSuper : loose, innerBinding)); } if (instanceNodes.length > 0) { (0, _misc.injectInitialization)(path, constructor, instanceNodes, (referenceVisitor, state) => { if (isDecorated) return; for (const prop of props) { if (prop.node.static) continue; prop.traverse(referenceVisitor, state); } }); } const wrappedPath = wrapClass(path); wrappedPath.insertBefore([...privateNamesNodes, ...keysNodes]); if (staticNodes.length > 0) { wrappedPath.insertAfter(staticNodes); } if (pureStaticNodes.length > 0) { wrappedPath.find(parent => parent.isStatement() || parent.isDeclaration()).insertAfter(pureStaticNodes); } }, PrivateName(path) { if (this.file.get(versionKey) !== version || path.parentPath.isPrivate({ key: path.node })) { return; } throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`Unknown PrivateName "${path}"`); }, ExportDefaultDeclaration(path) { if (this.file.get(versionKey) !== version) return; const decl = path.get("declaration"); if (decl.isClassDeclaration() && (0, _decorators.hasDecorators)(decl.node)) { if (decl.node.id) { (0, _helperSplitExportDeclaration.default)(path); } else { decl.node.type = "ClassExpression"; } } } } }; }